In Stretford and Urmston will often find voters supporting opposing parties, but there are at least a few issues they can all agree on…bad potholes and parking for instance.

We visited the suburb of Urmston where some residents were reserved about their opinions but one business owner was keen to raise a nuisance of an issue. “Potholes,” he said.

“You see cars swerving on the roads to avoid them all the time. It could cause a dangerous incident but I think that’s one complaint many of us here can get behind.”

Local education, social care, dentists, litter and bad parking are just some of the many issues residents in the Stretford and Urmston constituency feel need attention ahead of the general election on July 4.

At Stretford Mall, where a huge redevelopment is taking place, shoppers and locals were keen to talk about the election campaign by the major parties and what issues are important to them.

“Potholes are absolutely ridiculous - but there’s litter, flooding and more here. Stretford used to be really lovely but there is no care for the general living conditions now that people in this area have to put up with. We pay our taxes but what do we pay them for?” says Shirley.

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The long-term resident has ‘always’ voted Conservatives but after losing hope in all parties ahead of the general election, she’s wondering whether to vote at all.

“We’ve always been a conservative voter but truthfully this year I don’t think I’ll be voting because I have no trust in any of the parties,” she said.

Shirley added: “None of them come across as being sensible and decent people. There’s more sensible and decent people around this table than in Parliament.

“I think a lot of them now are shells coming out with promises but when it comes to not following through…it’s disillusioned.”

We are leading a country-wide, video-led mass vox pop approach dubbed '5000 Voices' in covering the upcoming General Election 2024.

MEN reporters are now travelling across the region to canvass local opinion on the issues of the day.

From boroughs to wards in Greater Manchester we will not be asking how people will vote, but their views on issues that will determine how they vote.

You can watch the full answers and questions from the media above.

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