A man has embarked on an epic quest to find the best Wetherspoon pub in Edinburgh by visiting nearly every one in the city.

Reddit user Top_Juice7860 took to the Scottish capital for a solo pub crawl in a bid to determine which of the discount pubs stood out from the rest. He managed to tick off six Wetherspoon establishments in just one day.

His journey saw him enjoying a pint at The White Lady, Caley Picture House, The Alexander Graham Bell, The Standing Order, The Booking Office, and The Playfair.

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However fellow pub aficionados noticed one venue was absent from his itinerary. Top_Juice7860 admitted that after several pints, he had attempted to find his way to Foot of the Walk but ended up getting lost.

He said: "I was already 7 pints down and tried walking to Foot Of The Walk after Playfair and got completely lost. Next time I will go Foot Of The Walk and also that one in Musslebrugh."

Despite missing the final stop, punters agreed his pub crawl was still a success without the seventh pub. One Wetherspoon fan remarked: "You can totally skip that one," while another added: "Fantastic! You've made me jealous and made me miss living in Edinburgh!"

Wetherspoon Edinburgh
The Alexander Graham Bell was revealed as one of the best pubs in the city

Top_Juice7860 eventually revealed his top picks were The White Lady and The Alexander Graham Bell, but said he was unable to pick between the two.

Edinburgh is actually home to eight Wetherspoon pubs, with The Sir Walter Scott at Edinburgh Airport also not making the cut. Meanwhile, Musselburgh houses just one branch, The David MacBeth Moir.

Livingstone in West Lothian also has a single 'Spoons, The NewYearField. Edinburgh and the Lothians are teeming with other pubs, and Auld Reekie is one of the UK's top holiday destinations.