Everyone on Coronation Street seems to spend most of their time in the Rovers Return.

It's the second home to many of the street's most famous residents, and the iconic boozer wouldn't be the same with the famous landladies ruling the roost and ringing the bell.

Starting with the iconic Annie Walker, here we take a look back at all the feisty females who have managed the pub up over the years up until the current day, and the complicated love affairs, dramas and mischief while they were in charge.

And you can have your say on who you think was the best ever Corrie landlady in our poll at the end.

Jenny Connor (Sally Ann Matthews)  2018-present

Quiz night with Jenny wasn't a barrel of laughs for Johnny


Peter Barlow punished his partner Toyah Battersby by selling their home and pub.

Johnny and Jenny Connor stepped in, teasing their friends and neighbours by telling them they were going to transform it into a trendy gastro pub, but it ended up looking almost exactly the same after a refurbishment.

Bossy Jenny has fully embraced her role as landlady, although it looked to be at risk for a while when she battled a drink problem that saw her fall down the stairs and run love rival Liz McDonald over in her car.

But she's back behind the bar with her drinking under control, despite her troubles with husband Johnny.

Toyah Battersby (Georgia Taylor) 2017-2018

Toyah Battersby (Georgia Taylor) at the Rovers Return

Toyah, played by actress Georgia Taylor, became landlady in 2017 when her boyfriend Peter Barlow (Chris Gascoyne) took over the pub from the McDonalds.

Managing the Rovers brought Toyah back to the pub where she had first had a job as a barmaid back in 2000, but there was heartache when she lied to Peter about baby Susie being their child born by a surrogate.

Susie was actually barmaid Eva Price's baby with the late Aidan Connor and when Peter found out the truth after Aidan's tragic death he abruptly ended their relationship.

Liz McDonald (Beverley Callard) 2013-2017

Liz McDonald played by Beverley Callard at The Rovers

The iconic character of Liz McDonald, with her ever-flamboyant fashion choices, made her one of the all time favourite Corrie barmaids and landladies - although she has had a chequered history with the Rovers.

She helped her son Steve take the pub back over (he had initially been landlord back in 2006) in October 2013.

In 2015 Liz’s errant boyfriend Tony (Terence Maynard) bought half of the pub, but when she found out he had an affair with Tracy Barlow, she cannily got him to sign it back over before humiliating him in front of the entire pub telling him it was over.

Stella Price (Michelle Collins) 2011-2013

Stella Price took over the Rovers Return

Stella Price took over the pub in 2011 with her partner Karl Munro (John Michie) and daughter Eva Price (Catherine Tyldesley). But Karl soon became irritated with his workload, and began an affair with barmaid Sunita (Shobna Gulati). When Stella found out, she threw Karl out and demanded he signed over his half of the Rovers to her - making her the landlady outright from 2012-2013.

But it all went horribly wrong when vengeful Karl, unbeknownst to Stella, set fire to the pub, with Sunita falling victim in the cellar.

Stella reunited with Karl but found out on their wedding day that he was responsible for the fire - and he was taken away by police. Naturally she decides there are too many bad memories and puts the pub up for sale before leaving Weatherfield for good.

Eve Elliott (Melanie Kilburn) 2001-2002

Fred Elliott's wife Eve was landlady for a short time

Legendary butcher Fred Elliott (John Savident) bought the Rovers back in 2001 - at the wish of his then wife Eve (played by Melanie Kilburn). But their time in charge was short, when Fred discovered that Eve had committed bigamy by marrying him. Eve leaves Fred to return to her husband, but she has no legal claim on the Rovers, due to her marriage to Fred being invalid.

Natalie Barnes (Denise Welch) 1998-2000

Natalie Barnes (Denise Welch) behind the bar at the Rovers Return.

Corrie siren Natalie Barnes, famed for her affair with Kevin Webster, took over the Rovers after the murder of her husband Des Barnes - just a month after they married.

But with drama following Natalie at every turn, it wasn’t long before she was embroiled in another affair and when she fell pregnant by on-off lover Vinny, who in turn was cheating on her with her sister, she decided to leave Weatherfield for a new life and sold the pub on to a consortium led by Fred Elliott.

Vera Duckworth (Liz Dawn) 1995-1998

One of Corrie’s best-loved couples, Jack and Vera Duckworth, took over the Rovers when Jack (Bill Tarmey) came into a large inheritance following the death of his brother and his wife in a car accident. As Jack had a criminal record, Vera (Liz Dawn) was made the licensee and revelled in her new found status as landlady of the community pub.

But, alas, their happiness was to be short-lived, as in 1997 they discovered they owed a huge sum in taxes, and were forced to take on Alec Gilroy as a business partner. When Natalie Barnes took over in 1998, she evicted the Duckworths.

Bet Gilroy (Julie Goodyear) 1984-1995

Corrie’s most famous brassy barmaid, leopard-print loving Bet Lynch (Julie Goodyear) went on to run the Rovers for over 10 years from 1984. She applied to Newton & Ridley to take over the pub thinking she had little chance as a single woman, but was astounded to find out that regulars at the pub had signd a petition insisting she get the job.

She became the brewery’s first single manageress and first ever manageress of the Rovers.

But the following year the pub was gutted by fire (thanks to Jack Duckworth’s faulty lighting) and Bet struggled to get everything back on track following the refurb. It led to her partnership in life and love with Alec Gilroy, who at the time was running the rival Graffitti Club.

Bet Lynch met Alec when he ran the rival Graffiti Club

The two went on to run the pub for the next eight years - then Alec was offered a dream job in Southampton while Bet decided to remain in Weatherfield.

It all ended in tears for Bet in 1995 when the brewery once again wanted to sell the Rovers, and Bet was unable to raise the cash. With no one to turn to, she throws everyone out of the pub, packs her bags and calls a taxi to leave Weatherfield.

Annie Walker (Doris Speed) 1937 - 1975

Jean Alexander as Hilda Ogden and Doris Speed as Annie Walker in a scene from Coronation Street 1967

Regarded by many fans as the best landlady of them all, Annie held the reins at the Rovers for 46 years - having bought the tenancy with husband Jack (Arthur Leslie) back in 1937 (some 23 years before Corrie was first screened!)

She stood for no nonsense as landlady, and ran the pub with class, even if she could be a tad snooty.

Her most dramatic Rovers moment came in 1975 when the Rovers was ransacked by burglars who woke the sleeping Annie demanding her money.

She was known for her friendships with her staff, including employing the young Bet Lynch (Julie Goodyear) as a barmaid, and a lifelong friendship with Betty Turpin (Betty Driver).

Doris Speed who played Rovers Return landlady Annie Walker with Julie Goodyear(right)
Doris Speed who played Rovers Return landlady Annie Walker with Julie Goodyear as barmaid Bet Lynch (right)

She continued her tenancy until 1983, when she decided to retire and hand the reins to son Billy Walker (Ken Farrington) - although that didn’t last long after a series of run-ins with police over his late night lock-ins.

Some absolute legends here - but who's your favourite? Vote below!

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Who is your favourite Coronation Street landlady?


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