One of the country's most senior GPs has been struck off after being convicted of downloading hundreds of child abuse images. Dr Robert Varnam claimed he amassed the vile collection after 'neglecting his self-care' while working 75 hour weeks and 'rarely taking a break'.

The 52-year-old was detained by police in 2020 after being caught with 241 indecent images, some showing children as young as six-years-old. Varnam, who at the time was practising as a GP at the Robert Darbishire Practice in Rusholme and was also Director of General Practice Development for NHS England, denied he had a sexual interest in children and said he no recollection of downloading the images.

At Manchester Crown Court in July 2023 he was sentenced to a two year community order, a rehabilitation activity requirement and 150 hours of community service after admitting three counts of making indecent photographs. He was also ordered to sign the Sex Offender Register and abide by the terms of a Sexual Harm Prevention Order for five years.

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Passing sentence, the judge told Varnam he had taken part in an 'evil trade in some ways worse than drug dealing'.

The judge said: "This sort of offending offends the principles of every rightminded thinking individual. The taking of such images, posting of such images, I accept you did not do either of those things; you just looked at them.

"But it is an evil trade, in some ways worse than drug dealing. It causes untold misery for the victims and it is done simply to line the pockets of such people who trade in such matters, or to trade with other people who have a similarly perverted mindset.

"For that reason, the courts take this sort of offending extremely seriously."

At a Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service hearing in Manchester, Varnam was struck off the medical register after his fitness to practise was found to be impaired. On behalf of the General Medical Council, Georgina Goring told the hearing the conviction 'brought the medical profession into disrepute and involved grave matters which seriously undermine public trust in the profession'.

Ms Goring said Varnum's 'continued denial of a sexual interest in children raises doubts about his insight into his offending', adding: "There is a risk of repetition."

Lee Hughes, representing Varnam, said his client accepted the submissions of the GMC, apart from the assertion that there was a risk of repetition. Mr Hughes said Varnam had taken 'steps to ensure that he will not place himself in that position again' and that his participation in a number of rehabilitation programmes 'demonstrated his commitment to addressing his unwanted behaviours'.

The tribunal panel said while it accepted Varnam's remorse was genuine, it did not accept his claim that he had no sexual interest in children. They added: "He clearly understands the magnitude and gravity of the behaviours which led to the conviction, and describes himself as being 'sickened' by his behaviour."

Ordering that he be erased from the register the tribunal concluded: "In all the circumstances, erasure is the only sanction which would serve to ensure that public confidence is maintained in the profession, and proper professional standards are maintained."

An NHS spokesperson said: "Having been notified by the local safeguarding team in December 2020 that Greater Manchester Police had executed an arrest warrant, NHS England took steps to suspend Robert Varnam from the NHS primary care performers list the same day and then subsequently from his employment with NHS England.

"Robert Varnam ceased employment with NHS England in April 2021 and he was terminated from the NHS primary care performers list following his conviction."