Three men were arrested near Piccadilly Gardens in a drugs swoop after being spotted by police inhaling Nitros Oxide from balloons.

All three - aged 23, 26 and 28 - were held on suspicion of drugs offences and were being questioned by officers in custody on Saturday.

Greater Manchester Police said police based at Piccadilly Gardens as part of an ongoing operation spotted three men in a vehicle on Friday night.

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They suspected the men to be inhaling the gas using balloons - which is now illegal.

In a statement, GMP said: "A search of the vehicle revealed six bags of white powder, cannabis, multiple phones, and around £700.

"Three men, aged 23, 26, and 28, were arrested on suspicion of possession with intent to supply. The 26 year old driver was also arrested on suspicion of driving uninsured and without a license. They remain in police custody for questioning.

Police on patrol at Piccadilly Gardens

"These are the latest arrests by Operation Vulcan who launched their Piccadilly Gardens initiative in September 2023 in a bid to transform the area, making it a safe and enjoyable environment for residents and visitors to enjoy."

Detective Constable Matt Bowling, one of Operation Vulcan’s specialist officers, said: “By having regular police presence in the area we’re already starting to see positive changes. We’re determined to drive out this criminality and show people that Piccadilly Gardens is no longer a lucrative place to commit crime or sell drugs, police will seize them, and you will be arrested.

“The type of crime that impacts Piccadilly Gardens changes hour by hour and that is why persistent presence, using specialist officers and covert resources, is so important to this operation as we continue to tackle these issues and resolve the root causes.”