A teenager has been charged after an alleged attack on a girl in Piccadilly Gardens.

Police were called to reports of an assault in the public space at around 11.40pm on Sunday, July 16. A 17-year-old girl was rushed to hospital with serious injuries.

She is now 'recovering well', police said. Police said 'the offender fled the scene'.

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An investigation into the incident was launched. A girl, aged 18, was arrested on Monday (August 7) on suspicion of section 18 assault.

Yesterday, Jessica Louise Taylor, of Haddington Drive, Oldham, was charged with three offences. The 18-year-old was charged with section 18 assault grievous bodily harm with intent, possession of a bladed article and criminal damage.

Taylor was remanded into custody and is due to appear at Manchester and Salford Magistrates' Court today. Detective Constable Annabel Lewis of GMP’s City of Manchester district said: "Anyone who carries a knife is a danger to themselves and others and I hope this investigation will serve as a deterrent to carrying knives.

"Our officers across Greater Manchester will not tolerate any form of violence on our streets and are actively targeting those involved in knife crime.

"This is not something we can tackle alone, and we need the public’s continued help to finally remove dangerous weapons from our streets. If you know someone who is carrying a knife, please talk to them about the dangers and if they persist, you must report this to police so we can intervene before it is too late."

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