Locals have spoken of their shock as a teenage girl fights for her life in hospital after taking what is believed to be ecstasy.

Police and paramedics raced to Wilbraham Road in Chorlton, south Manchester, at around 7:30pm last night after they were alerted to fears over the 16 year-old's condition.

She was rushed to hospital where she remains critically ill. A 21 year-old woman has been arrested on suspicion of supplying Class A drugs and remains in custody.

READ NEXT: Further details revealed over incident that has left girl, 16, fighting for life

The Manchester Evening News understands the girl is believed to have taken ecstasy. The alleyway was taped off immediately afterwards and the cordon remains in place on the road in the centre of Chorlton today (Wednesday) with an officer standing guard.

Specialist CSI officers in forensic suits have spent the morning combing the ginnel, which leads to a car park for local businesses, as enquiries continue.

Those working nearby have spoken of their shock and upset at what has happened. One worker at a nearby business told the M.E.N that as he was closing up at around 7pm last night he saw a group of 'two girls and four lads' get out of an Uber taxi close to the scene.

"One of the girls fully face-planted onto the bonnet of a BMW," the man said. "She was stumbling all over the place.

CSI on the scene off Wilbraham Road
CSI on the scene off Wilbraham Road

"She fell on the ground at least two or three times. Then they all just went down the alleyway."

He said he 'didn't think anything of it' untill he returned to work this morning around 8am and saw the alleyway taped off.

"It didn't even click until I got in and thought 'oh god, that girl last night.' I've spoken to the police and told them what I saw.

"When I saw all the forensics I thought she must have died, thankfully she hasn't. But it just goes to show the dangers of drugs."

Amie Richards, 32, general manager at the nearby Chorlton Tap, said: "Last night I went to take out the bins around the back and it was all closed off. They wouldn't tell me what had happened they just said it was an active crime scene. I didn't want to pry so didn't ask any more questions.

Forensics on the scene off Wilbraham Road
Forensics on the scene off Wilbraham Road

"But later on, probably about 10pm, someone from another bar came in and said a youing woman had been found unconscious in the alleyway.

"I knew it must be serious because of how many police there were. It was blocked off at both ends. There was a constant presence.

"But we only found out the details today. It is a bit of a shock. I had no idea how young she was. And you don't expect so many police around here, especially on a Tuesday evening.

Forensics on the scene off Wilbraham Road
Forensics on the scene off Wilbraham Road

"It's worying because it's so close. I just hope she pulls through."

A woman who works at another nearby business, who didn't want to be named, said: "We got to work about 8am, we park around the back but we couldn't get through. We didn't have any idea what had happened. So when we did it was quite suprising. Especially for it to happen so close where you work all day.

Forensic officers on the scene off Wilbraham Road
Forensic officers on the scene off Wilbraham Road

"It's very concerning. Horrible really. I just hope she makes a recovery."

Another man who works nearby said: "It's really shocking. But I have seen people in the past in the alleyway who I have suspected may be using or dealing drugs.

"She is just so young, it's awful. I hope she gets better."

Whilst another man said: "It's the first time I have seen or heard of that happeneing around here. It's a massive shock."

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