This week, controversially, the red flag flapped outside Salford council’s HQ - but the revolution was in Irlam.

The display on a pole outside Swinton civic centre for a May day photoshoot triggered fury among opposition Tories.

But it was the green belt of Irlam which cost Labour a seat in a sensational win for the CO:RE (community revolution party) in the town.

The independent group almost repeated the feat in neighbouring Cadishead which Labour held by a whisker.

The burning issue which won the fledgling party votes was the inclusion of part of Chat Moss and the former Boysnope golf course as potential sites for 1,600 homes in the Greater Manchester spatial framework.

The city needs to provide 1,600 homes every year until 2037 to ease a chronic housing crisis.

See below for a full list of results

In Cadishead, independent Dave Pike - also crusading to keep fields untouched - polled 985, pushing former youth mayor Lewis Nelson, who picked up 1049 votes, all the way.

Elsewhere, there was no threat for Labour as a paltry 26.15 percent of the electorate bothered to vote.

The Labour red army was mobilised to make sure Mike Pevitt was elected in Claremont. He had been considered a potential casualty after having to apologise last year when he tweeted the allegations of anti-semitism in his party were a plot by Jewish Tories.

Bryan Blears, the nephew of former Salford MP and government minister Hazel Blears, stood against him and picked up a respectable 379 votes for the Green party behind Ukip who polled 409.

But ultimately the vote was splintered in the ward with six candidates and Pevitt won with a less than convincing 860.

Mr Blears vowed he would be standing again in the ward next year and his performance may justify a regional green army to raise his profile.

The Greens also did well in Irwell Riverside, with Wendy Olsen, coming second.

There was no election in Walkden South, due to the sudden death last week of Tory candidate Andrew Darlington. Poignantly, his wife Anne Broomhead did stand in Winton but came third for the Conservatives with Labour winning.

The Tories achieved what they expected, retaining existing seats in Worsley, Boothstown and Kersal.

In Worsley, it was Tory royalty, Robin Garrido, who romped home with a massive 1488 votes after emphasising choking traffic problems around the village and the threat to its ever-shrinking fields from housing developers in his campaign.

It was a bittersweet return from the political wilderness for Labour candidate in Worsley, Norman Owen. He was once leader of a vibrant 10-strong Liberal Democrat opposition, less than a decade ago, before having a sabbatical and then joining Labour.

Salford Civic Centre in Swinton

Hard graft and his one-man campaign in Worsley were not enough, but he notched up a credible 586 votes.

The Tories have almost imploded locally after two years of in-fighting but wounds are being healed and in next year’s campaign when all 60 council seats will be up for grabs they are aiming to win 20 wards.

The seeds for massive improvement for the Tories have emerged with Garrido getting the biggest majority in the city for any councillor, and Arnie Saunders in Kersal retaining his seat with a huge 1415 votes.

Salford’s first Muslim councillor was elected in Eccles. Sharmina August polled 1272 votes for Labour after standing for the first time.

Ann-Marie Humphreys was a victim of Labour’s still unresolved anti-semitism issues last year, losing her seat in Kersal to the Tories.

But she bounced back convincingly, winning Ordsall for Labour.

Ukip for the first time fielded a candidate in all 20 wards and had a reasonably successful night, coming second in eight seats.

Darren Goulden, who won the seat in Irlam, said: “Labour has ignored Irlam for too long.”

He said his victory had left him emotional.

“I didn’t expect anything but I’m overjoyed. I want to give the community a voice.”

Darren Goulden, winning candidate in Irlam
Darren Goulden, winning candidate in Irlam

City mayor Paul Dennett, who is Greater Manchester mayor Andy Burnham’s regional spokesman on housing, said: “I am very disappointed about what has happened in Irlam.”

“One of the things is clearly the Brexit vote. It has had an impact across the board in all wards, in people’s voting for other parties - moving away from Conservative and Labour. That has certainly played out in Irlam and Cadishead.”

“Also, we know that Irlam and Cadishead is where we area allocating land for the purpose of the Greater Manchester spatial framework. I’m sure that has had an impact as well.”

Commenting on the woeful turnout, he said: “The turnout was low. That has come across on the doorsteps - people have said ‘I’m not voting for anyone.’ It’s very very sad.”

“It’s national politics and Brexit as the primary reason as to why people are fed up with politics at the moment.”

Greater Manchester local election results 2019