Fights broke out across Manchester city centre and four police officers were attacked as around '200 youths' descended after a party was shut down at a bar.

Pictures showed huge crowds of young people descending on Piccadilly Gardens and St Peter's Square last night (Monday), with a large police response across the city. Police said officers were initially called to a 'disturbance' involving around 200 youths.

The group had reportedly been at a party at a bar on Deansgate Locks. This was 'shut down due to the threat posed by youths from within the bar and outside'.

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Fights then broke out across the city with 'anti-social behaviour taking place'. Police said most of the group ended up in Piccadilly Gardens where a large number of police officers tried to 'contain the group'.

Four officers were attacked in the chaos. Four teenagers - aged between 16 and 18 - were arrested on suspicion of affray, a spokesperson for Greater Manchester Police said.

They will be questioned by detectives this morning. A Section 35 dispersal order was put in place at around 8.40pm last night, preventing the youngsters from returning to the city centre for 48 hours.

Police in Piccadilly Gardens

'If not adhered to, individuals can be arrested for breaching the order', police said. The mayhem last night came after ‘hundreds’ of teens gathered in Piccadilly Gardens on Friday afternoon to celebrate the last day of school.

Some hurled eggs and milkshakes at police, with some shops having to shut and trams brought to a halt. Tactical Aid Unit officers were deployed and the group was dispersed.

Three arrests were made by police for public order offences. Following this, police said a 'full investigation would take place', including reviewing CCTV.

On the incident last night, a GMP spokesperson said: "At approximately 7pm last night, Monday 25 July 2023, police received a call to reports of up to approximately 200 youths causing a disturbance in and around the city centre.

The group descended on St Peter's Square

"They had been attending a party at a bar on Deansgate Locks, when it was shut down due to the threat posed by youths from within the bar and outside. The youths made their way towards the city centre with sporadic fights and anti-social behaviour taking place.

"Most of them ended up in Piccadilly Gardens, where officers attempted to disperse and contain the group. A Section 35 order was implemented by GMP at 8.40pm, which prevents individuals from returning to the City Centre for a period of up to 48 hours.

"If not adhered to, individuals can be arrested for breaching the order. Four people, aged between 16 - 18 years old, were arrested on suspicion of affray and will continue to be interviewed this morning.

"Four police officers were assaulted during the affray."

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