A woodland and park area in north Manchester is cordoned off by police this morning as part of an ongoing murder investigation.

Boggart Hole Clough in Blackley is currently closed off to members of the public. All entrances to the park area are reportedly taped off.

Officers are on the scene. GMP have said it is in relation to the Stuart Everett murder investigation. The 67-year-old is believed to have died at an house in Winton, Salford, at the end of March, before his remains were found in a Salford nature reserve days later.

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Detective Superintendent Lewis Hughes from GMP’s Serious Crime Division and Senior Investigating Officer, said: "The scenes that we will be searching over the coming days have come to our attention through some exceptional detective work conducted by the investigation team.

"We know there will be some disruption to the local community as a result of searching other locations, but it is so important that we do this, we need to be able to provide Stuart’s family with the information they need to process this news.

"Our investigation is ongoing, we still have a lot of work to do and I hope the public can see the dedication and compassion that continues to be shown across the force by officers and staff who are either keeping the scene secure, searching for evidence or investigating this behind the scenes – we all have our part to play in getting justice for Stuart’s family and every search we conduct is one step closer to finding answers for them."

Follow our live blog below for the latest updates on this incident as we get them.

Read more of today's top stories here

Area is 'extremely quiet'

Any usual after-school or work activity in the park is noticeably absent this afternoon.

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Children 'watch on' as police work

Families are watching on as they walk home from school this afternoon. James has seen a number of people and dog walkers turned away from the park as police continue their work.

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Enquiries have led to Boggart Hole Clough search

Police have been investigating the death of Stuart Everett since a torso was found by a dog walker at Kersal Dale in April. They have since conducted searches - and made discoveries of human remains - at a number of other parks in the region.

The force said their work so far has led them here, after 'in-depth CCTV and phone data enquiries'.

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Police vehicles continue to arrive

Police vehicles and plain clothed officers are still arriving on the scene this afternoon.

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WATCH: Police search Boggart Hole Clough as murder probe continues

Watch as police carry out investigations at north Manchester park Boggart Hole Clough in relation to a murder probe surrounding Stuart Everett.

Footpaths into the park remain cordoned off this afternoon. as the area is closed to the public. We'll be bringing you all the latest information as we get it.

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Significant police presence in park

There is expected to be a police presence in Boggart Hole Clough over the weekend as officers carry out investigations relating to the death of Stuart Everett.

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Reporter James is on the scene

Good afternoon. Our reporter James Holt has arrived at Boggart Hole Clough and will be bringing you live updates.

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Railway station scenes currently not in place

As well as Boggart Hole Clough, GMP have announced that officers will also be searching land near to Walkden train station 'over the coming days'.

Officers at British Transport Police will also search land near to Patricroft Railway station.

As of this afternoon, neither scene is currently in place.

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Watch our video below on Mr Everett's family tribute to him

You can watch the video below.

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Who has been charged with Stuart Everett's murder?

Two men, Michal Jaroslaw Polchowski, 68, and Marcin Majerkiewicz, 42, have been charged with his murder.

Polchowski and Majerkiewicz, both of Worsley Road, Eccles, were remanded in custody after appearing at Manchester Crown Court.

They will next appear in court on July 18 for a plea and trial preparation hearing.

A provisional trial date of March 3 next year was fixed by Judge Nicholas Dean KC, the Honorary Recorder of Manchester.

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Our reporter Ste is live

Watch the Facebook live here.

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TAU vans arrive at Boggart Hole Clough

Tactical Aid Unit officers will be assisting with the search.

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Searches to take place over next few days

GMP said the searches follow CCTV and phone data evidence.

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How cordon looks at Boggart Hole Clough this afternoon

Here's how the cordon looks at Boggart Hole Clough.

The search here is expected to take place over a number of days.

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Full story on the new searches so far

New police searches are underway today as part of a major murder investigation following the death of Stuart Everett.

Mr Everett is believed to have died at an house in Winton, Salford, at the end of March. A huge probe was launched by Greater Manchester Police after parts of the 67-year-old's body were found at the Kersal Dale nature reserve on April 4.

Further dismembered remains were then found in three other locations across the city. Two men, Michal Jaroslaw Polchowski, 68, and Marcin Majerkiewicz, 42, have been charged with his murder.

In an update issued today, GMP confirmed that a number of new searches were underway in connection with the murder probe. One is in Boggart Hole Clough in Blackley, where officers have fully cordoned off the park and woodland this morning.

Read the full story here.

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Where other searches will take place

As well as Boggart Hole Clough, officers will also be searching land near to Walkden train station 'over the coming days'.

Officers at British Transport Police will also search land near to Patricroft Railway station.

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What we know about the murder probe so far

Stuart Everett is believed to have died at an house in Winton, Salford, at the end of March.

A huge probe was launched after parts of Mr Everett's body were found at the Kersal Dale nature reserve on April 4.

Further dismembered remains have since been found in three other locations across the city.

Two men, Michal Jaroslaw Polchowski, 68, and Marcin Majerkiewicz, 42, have been charged with his murder.

Polchowski and Majerkiewicz, both of Worsley Road, Eccles, are due to appear at Manchester Crown Court on July 18, when they are expected to be asked to enter their plea. Both have been remanded in custody.

Stuart Everett (Image: GMP)
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GMP detective says the new searches are 'so important'

Detective Superintendent Lewis Hughes from GMP’s Serious Crime Division and Senior Investigating Officer, said:

“The scenes that we will be searching over the coming days have come to our attention through some exceptional detective work conducted by the investigation team.

“We know there will be some disruption to the local community as a result of searching other locations, but it is so important that we do this, we need to be able to provide Stuart’s family with the information they need to process this news.

“Our investigation is ongoing, we still have a lot of work to do and I hope the public can see the dedication and compassion that continues to be shown across the force by officers and staff who are either keeping the scene secure, searching for evidence or investigating this behind the scenes – we all have our part to play in getting justice for Stuart’s family and every search we conduct is one step closer to finding answers for them.”

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Search in Boggart Hole Clough is linked to Stuart Everett murder probe

The searches in the park today are linked to GMP's investigation into Stuart Everett's murder.

A huge probe was launched after parts of Mr Everett's body were found at Kersal Dale nature reserve on April 4.

Two men, Michal Jaroslaw Polchowski, 68, and Marcin Majerkiewicz, 42, have been charged with his murder.

In a statement, GMP said:

"Today we will commence searches of locations in North Manchester and Salford to look for more evidence as part of Stuart Everett’s murder investigation.

"We will be searching Boggart Hole Clough in North Manchester along with land near to Walkden Train station over the coming days. Land near to Patricroft Railway station will be searched by British Transport Police officers as they assist our force with this part of the search.

"These searches are as a result of in-depth CCTV and phone data enquiries that the detectives have located during the investigation.

"Similar to our previous locations in Salford that have been searched already in the last couple of weeks, you will see officers from our Tactical Aid Unit, Crime Scene Investigators, underwater search divers and also our canine units to ensure that we are using all of our policing capabilities in the force."

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Neighbour first saw police at around 9am

"I don't know what's happened."

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Walkers are being turned away from the park

Dog walkers and local residents are being turned away.

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More photos of police on the scene

Here's some more photos.

Police cordon off Boggart Hole Clough (Image: MEN)
Police cordon off Boggart Hole Clough (Image: MEN)
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Pictures from the scene this morning

Here's some pictures from Boggart Hole Clough this morning from our photographer.

Police cordon off Boggart Hole Clough (Image: MEN)
Police cordon off Boggart Hole Clough (Image: MEN)
Police cordon off Boggart Hole Clough (Image: MEN)
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Pat Karney: Park will be 'closed for some time' amid serious police investigation

Councillor for Harpurhey and Collyhurst Pat Karney said 'there is no threat to the local community or residents'.

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Main gate to the park is taped off

The main gate has been cordoned off by police, while officer man the other entrances.

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A PCSO is guarding every entrance

Here's a view of Boggart Hole Clough from Rochdale Road.

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Our reporter Ste is on the scene in north Manchester

Ste has been told the entire park is cordoned off this morning.

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Picture of police on the scene this morning

Police are stationed at the entrances to Boggart Hole Clough.

Police outside Boggart Hole Clough (Image: MEN)
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Awaiting full details from GMP

GMP are expected to release a statement on this incident shortly.

As soon as we know more, we will update this live blog.

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Boggart Hole Clough cordoned off

The park and woodland, of Charlestown Road in Blackley, is cordoned off by police this morning.

Entrances to the park are reportedly taped off preventing people from walking through.

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