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PICTURED: The criminals locked up in Greater Manchester this week including teen killers, a fraudster and a prison officer

Prison terms are handed out to the worst offenders

Tavistock Square

As one grief-stricken family looked on, two other families wept as their young sons were led to the docks of Manchester Crown Court.

Nathaniel Shani was just 14 when he was brutally stabbed in the neck by a teenage boy. Another teenage boy had 'encouraged him', telling him to 'do it'.

Both were found guilty following a trial of the most serious offence on the criminal calendar. Both are facing life in prison. One is 14 and the other is 15 - they cannot be identified due to legal reasons.

READ MORE: The shocked parents who discovered their son had been exploited by a criminal underworld - but it was far too late

The family of Nathaniel, or Natie as he was affectionally called, are urgently seeking for more to be done to raise awareness of knife crime.

In a poignant message, they said: “Say no to knives, no knife is too small”.

The two teen killers, Boy A and Boy B, are amongst those who are starting terms behind bars his week. Others include a fraudster who sold pirated Sky boxes, a prison officer who smuggled drugs and phones into prison and a thug who attacked the former Lord Mayor of Manchester for wearing a poppy and Armed Forces medals.