A man helped put himself behind bars after calling police from a phone used to set up deals in a £1,000-a-day drugs line in Oldham.

Rakib Khan was a drugs runner on the 'Ali' drugs line, police said. Detectives believe he made up to a grand a day while working with others on the 'lucrative' operation.

In March 2022, while under investigation for a separate offence, he called police as part of his bail conditions. The number was later linked to the 'Ali' drugs line.

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Then, in July 2023, Khan used the drug-dealing phone again - this time to call 999 as he believed he was being burgled. It was in fact officers bursting into his property as part of a warrant.

The 23-year-old was subsequently arrested and charged. He pleaded guilty to being concerned in the supply of cocaine and heroin, and the possession of Class B drug.

Khan, of Suffolk Street, Oldham, was jailed for three years at Minshull Street Crown Court last Friday (April 19). After the sentencing, PC Rhiann O’Malley, of GMP’s Serious Crime Division, said: "Khan was a runner for the Ali line operating in Oldham and making around £1,000 a day.

"Investigations proved Khan had previously called the police using the mobile phone number linked to his drugs line and it was established he was the owner. Upon entering his property to execute the arrest warrant, officers found Khan using this telephone to call 999 believing the police to be burglars.

"Putting Khan behind bars means a significant drugs operation has been taken off the streets. We will continue to act on all intelligence received and are determined to make sure those who break the law will face justice.

"Please continue to report any concerns to Greater Manchester Police by calling 101 or anonymously through the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111."

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