The family of a young girl left with life-threatening brain injuries after being deliberately shaken have blasted court delays as the man responsible was finally brought to justice.

Jack Hunt, 27, is starting a 27-month term in prison after admitting causing grievous bodily harm without intent to the girl, who cannot be named for legal reasons.

The child was rushed to hospital after Hunt reported her as 'unresponsive and floppy'. It was discovered she had traumatic brain injuries, including bleeding on the brain.

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Consultant paediatrician Dr Sarah Dixon concluded the child's injuries were consistent with 'abusive head trauma by shaking', Minshull Street Crown Court heard.

Standing in the witness box, a family member of the girl, who has physically recovered, blasted delays in the judicial system.

They added: “It’s difficult to find the words that can explain the impact the single act of violence had on destroying our family’s life. She was innocent in every way. It’s horrifying to think because of the serious brain injury she required resuscitation to keep her alive.

“Having to visit the baby daily for five weeks was soul destroying. For weeks we did not know if she would survive. She had to undergo numerous tests, which was devastating for her.”

Jack Hunt was jailed for 27 months

The family member said they could not be sure if there is long-lasting cognitive damage and thanked medical staff for the ‘excellent’ care the child received.

Addressing the length of time it took the case to reach court, the family member said: “It has been... years of ongoing trauma and distress due to Jack Hunt being unwilling to say what happened or have the courage to admit what he did to cause really serious injuries.

“Jack Hunt, so far, has received no consequences for his behaviour. He accepted no responsibility for his actions and shows little remorse.

“As she grows older, this event needs to be explained to her carefully. Unless he takes responsibility and explains what happened that day, this will never be a positive experience for her.

“His cowardice and selfishness since the assault is unbearable, this will continue to impact us throughout life. How we will ever recover from this trauma, we will not know.”

Minshull Street Crown Court

Prosecuting, Hayley Bennett said that in 2019, the child was 'happy and well'. Hunt later made a call in which he said she was 'unresponsive'.

Emergency services were alerted, with the operator being told the girl was 'floppy'. Paramedics arrived, before the child was rushed to hospital. On the way, she suffered three seizures and had to be resuscitated.

In a text to a friend, Hunt later said: "I've never hated myself so much in my life mate, I don't know what to do."

The child suffered from multiple haemorrhages, including bleeding on the brain. It was found that the injuries were caused by shaking.

Hunt pleaded guilty to section 20 wounding; and causing grievous bodily harm without intent. He denied deliberately shaking the child.

He submitted a basis of plea document to the court, in which he claimed the child had been injured after he threw her in the air and caught her at least twice recklessly. That was rejected by the judge following a trial of issue.

Mitigating, Richard Vardon said there was 'never a suggestion' responsibility for the injuries lay elsewhere. "He is somebody who has done a terrible wrong which will never leave him," Mr Vardon added. "The offence is stale - this was a long time ago."

Jailing Hunt, of Hyde, Tameside, for 27 months, Judge Maurice Greene said: "I do accept this act was an impulsive, spontaneous and short lived assault."