Two police officers were attacked by a suspected drug dealer after bags of heroin and cocaine were found in Piccadilly Gardens.

Officers from Operation Vulcan, along with local neighbourhood officers, were deployed to the city centre as part of high visibility patrols in the area this afternoon, February 6. In an attempt to evade the police, a man assaulted two police officers.

During the attack, 31 wraps of cocaine and three snap bags of heroin were recovered from the suspect. He has since been arrested on suspicion of possession with intent to supply class A drugs and two offences of assaulting an emergency worker, and remains in custody.

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Inspector Dan Cullum, from Operation Vulcan, said: “Drugs cause an untold amount of harm and disruption in our communities so removing this many wraps of cocaine and heroin from just one individual is a great result.

“Our staff work tirelessly day in day out to drive out the criminality from Piccadilly Gardens and work to safeguard those who are at risk of exploitation, but each day they are often faced with volatile individuals and put into difficult situations. This type of behaviour is unacceptable and we will continue to remove these type of people from our streets.

“Through a combination of hotspot patrolling and community intelligence we’re able to make a real difference in the area. If you have any information about drugs in the Piccadilly Gardens area or city centre, please do get in touch with us."

Anyone with information can contact police on 101, or via the reporting section of our site at Alternatively, contact the independent charity Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.