A paedophile who changed his name by deed poll in order to keep committing vile crimes against children has been jailed.

Mason Maxwell, of no fixed abode, was originally from Gateshead and moved to Greater Manchester after changing his name from 'Kane Hutchinson'. Specialist officers with the Stockport Complex Safeguarding Team launched an investigation into the 34-year-old after receiving intelligence from the community in 2021.

Detectives began to identify if any young people had been affected by his offending. On January 6 2022, officers executed a warrant at Maxwell’s address on Clowes Street in Salford and seized several devices.

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Analysis of the devices revealed indecent images and video of children. He was then sharing these images and bragging about his deplorable crimes.

Following the extensive investigation, Maxwell pleaded guilty to one count of taking an indecent video of a child, three counts of taking indecent images of a child, two counts of making an indecent image of a child, and three counts of distributing an indecent image of a child.

Yesterday (June 24), he appeared at Minshull Crown Court where he was jailed for three. He has been placed on the Sex Offenders Register for life and he is subject to a Sexual Harm Prevention Order for 15 years.

Detective Constable Ben Swapp from Stockport’s Complex Safeguarding Hub said: “Maxwell is a calculated and depraved individual who took extraordinary measures to change his name so that he could continue offending in a new location, preying on vulnerable young people.

“Throughout his interview, Maxwell denied all allegations and had endless excuses for his predatory behaviour. He showed no remorse for his actions, refusing to consider the effect his deplorable behaviour had on the young victims and their families.

Minshull Street Crown Court

“I would encourage anyone who has been affected by this case or believes they have been a victim of sexual abuse, please come forward and report this to us. We have specially trained officers and partners who will support you and ensure you get the help and care you need."

An NSPCC spokesperson said: “Maxwell is a serial offender whose crimes fuel the sexual abuse of children. The number of child sexual abuse image crimes recorded by police across the North West increased by almost a third (31%) last year.

"The harmful impact of child sexual abuse on victims can be profound and long-lasting which is why children need therapeutic support services to help them recover.

"We would urge anyone who has concerns a child is being sexually abused or at risk to report it. The NSPCC Helpline is there to offer advice for anyone who is concerned about a child.”