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Angela Rayner's real life story and her remarkable rise to power

Angela Rayner is the UK's new deputy Prime Minister. The Manchester Evening News looks back at her remarkable rise from Stockport's Bridgehall estate to the high offices of government

(Image: Kenny Brown)

"I used to be the most famous person off Bridgehall estate and then we got [Phil] Foden," Angela Rayner giggles gleefully.

"He's just ruined it for me. Before Foden it was me and now the kids rip my picture off the school wall and it's Foden all the way."

Speaking to the Manchester Evening News on Labour's election battle bus, the party's deputy leader is on home turf. She is back in Ashton-under-Lyne - the constituency she has represented in Parliament as an MP since 2015 - surrounded by friends and comrades.

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And while she jokes about a Man City footballer being more famous than her, she knows she is poised to become one of the most powerful women in the UK. As polls predicted, her party went on to win a landslide victory at the election a few weeks later.

Her remarkable rise to power shows why you cannot write anyone off. She is now the deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

Angela Rayner enters No 10 Downing Street

Born in 1980, Angela's parents were on benefits. She was a 'free school meals kid'.

So far, not so extraordinary. But in interviews over the years, she has revealed how difficult her upbringing really was.