Bringing Discoveries to Lives

Towards 2030, we will double our regular grants for research in Denmark, build a clearer and more strategic focus on the brain, expand our portfolio of long-term ownership within the field of healthcare and take initiatives to strengthen the collaboration between research and business.


Apply for grants

We annually grant more than DKK 500 million to healthcare science.


Nominate your candidate

We give prizes to researchers and companies contributing to unique brain research.

The Lundbeck Foundation

What we have funded

Get an insight into the latest research we have supported and get inspired for your application.

News about The Lundbeck Foundation

The Brain Prize 2025 | Open for nominations

May 1st - September 1st

Lundbeckfonden Investerer

Lundbeckfonden BioCapital

Vi understøtter kommercialiseringen af banebrydende videnskab indenfor biotek med investeringer og aktiv interaktion i Danmark og internationalt.

Strategiske Ejerskaber

Vi er en langsigtet ejer af healthcare-virksomheder, der med udgangspunkt i Danmark har potentialet til at blive internationale ledere.


We create powerful ripple effects that bring discoveries to lives through investing actively in business and science at the frontiers of their fields

Research Stories


The Lundbeck Foundation holds ongoing events for all that have an interest in brain research.

Illustration of memories captured in a ball