The Advisory Board is composed of academic, government, and industrial leaders who assist Lincoln Laboratory and MIT leadership in evaluating and guiding the operation of the Laboratory. This committee meets annually with Laboratory directors and MIT's Provost and Vice President of Research to review and discuss the strategic direction of the Laboratory.

Mr. Kent Kresa – Chair
Former Chairman and CEO, Northrop Grumman

Mr. Denis A. Bovin
Senior Advisor, Evercore Partners;
Life member, MIT Corporation;
Former member, President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board

Prof. Arup K. Chakraborty
Institute Professor, MIT, Professor of Chemical Engineering, Physics, and Chemistry

Dr. Mark R. Epstein
Senior Vice President for Development, Qualcomm Inc.;
Life member Emeritus, MIT Corporation

VADM David E. Frost, USN (Ret)
President, Frost & Associates, Inc.;
Former Deputy Commander, U.S. Space Command

ADM Edmund P. Giambastiani Jr., USN (Ret)
Former Vice Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff

Prof. Daniel E. Hastings
Aeronautics and Astronautics Department Head, MIT;
Cecil and Ida Green Education Professor, MIT;
Former Chief Scientist, Air Force

Deborah Lee James
Board of Directors, Textron;
Board of Directors, Unisys;
Former Secretary of the Air Force

Dr. Miriam E. John
Vice President Emeritus, Sandia National Laboratories

Prof. Anita K. Jones
Professor Emerita, University of Virginia;
Former Director, Defense Research and Engineering

Dr. Paul G. Kaminski
Chairman and CEO, Technovation, Inc.;
Former Under Secretary of Defense, Acquisition and Technology

The Honorable Ellen M. Lord
Former Under Secretary of Defense, Acquisition and Sustainment, President and CEO, Textron Systems Corporation

General Lester L. Lyles, USAF (Ret)
Board of Directors, General Dynamics Corporation;
Former Vice Chief of Staff, Air Force;
Former Commander, Air Force Materiel Command

Mr. John P. Stenbit
Former Assistant Secretary of Defense (C3I);
Former Executive Vice President, TRW

Prof. Ian A. Waitz
Vice President for Research, MIT;
Jerome C. Hunsaker Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics, MIT