
Unique fabrics woven with microstructured polymer fibers and containing microelectronics will be transitioned into integrated systems at the Defense Fabric Discovery Center.
MIT Lincoln Laboratory
The DFDC houses technology to develop advanced fibers and fabrics for defense applications.
Engineers load a satellite into an ETL space simulation chamber for testing.
MIT Lincoln Laboratory
In the Environmental Test Laboratory, Laboratory staff can test the operability and durability of prototype systems by placing these systems in simulated environments.
Flight Test Facility
Hanscom Air Force Base, Bedford, Massachusetts
Staff at the Lincoln Laboratory Flight Test Facility operate several aircraft that research teams can employ to test their prototype airborne systems.
At the Lincoln Space Surveillance Complex in Westford, Massachusetts, Lincoln Laboratory operates three high-power radar systems.
Westford, Massachusetts
Lincoln Laboratory operates a suite of radars to collect data that provides the U.S. military with space situational awareness and to obtain measurements that our researchers use to develop new systems for space surveillance.
The Microelectronics Laboratory covers 70,000 square feet.
MIT Lincoln Laboratory
The Microelectronics Laboratory is a state-of-the-art semiconductor research and fabrication facility that supports the design, fabrication, and packaging of novel devices.
Reagan Test Site
Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Islands
The Reagan Test Site is a world-class range and test facility for technologies involved in long-range missile testing, missile defense, and space domain awareness. Lincoln Laboratory staff have worked at the Reagan Test Site for nearly 60 years and now serve as the site’s scientific advisors.

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