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Voices of Mekong youths

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Soundscape of fish and livelihoods

"Mushroom of Pga K�nyau people in khan river basin" publicshed in 2015

Poster "Local Knowledge on Herbal plants in Mekong River Bank" published in 2015

Poster of Fish in the Mun River  published in 2013

Poster and 2014 Calendar "Traditional Fishing Gears in Pak Mun Area" published in 2013

Women of the Mun River : Livelihoods and their Fight

Tai Baan Research by local women affected by Pak Mun Dam

published in 2012 (avialable in Thai only


  The Mekong River Basin
  Kaeng Sua Ten Dam


1st Meeting of Network of Peopple in Northern River Basin 19 Jan14

  Pak Mun Dam

We want to open Pak Mun Dam's gates.


Letter to the President of Republic of Korea

Information disclosure and ensuring public participation in Thailand’s water scheme

Dear the President,

For the past five decades since Thailand’s first National Economic and Social Development Plan, a large number of Thai people have been suffered by the government’s water management. Many local communities were destroyed when dams and water infrastructure were built. Thailand is an agricultural country, which largely depends on water resources. Once the ecosystems and natural resources are devastated, it directly affects community’s livelihoods, fishery, agriculture, source of income, and food security. To date, chronic impacts of dams have not been solved, and became a long-term social problem.  more >>

Statement to Thank Korean Federation for Environmental Movement for Revealing Information and Ensuring Accountability of the Private Sector’s Role
on Thailand’s Water Management Scheme

28 June 28, 2013

We, a network of civil society and community-based organizations in Thailand, who would be affected by the Thai government’s 3.5 billion Baht Water and Flood Management Policy, would like to express our sincere appreciation to the Korean Federation for Environmental Movement (KFEM) for its courage in sending representatives to Thailand to make a field visit and exchange social and environmental issues surrounding Korean Water Resources (K-Water), who won the bid to build part of the project, for the Thai people to understand. more >>

    About Us

WE work to support local communities� rights to their water resources, promote local knowledge-based sustainable water resource management, and oppose threats to rivers and riverine ecosystems in Thailand and neighbor countries in the Mekong and Salween River Basins. more >>

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Living River Siam Association �138 Moo 4, Suthep, Muang,�Chiang Mai, 50200�� Thailand
Tel. & Fax.: (66)-       E-mail : admin@livingriversiam.org
