Why Don't Organizations Take Workplace Bullying Seriously?

Why Don't Organizations Take Workplace Bullying Seriously?

More organizations and workers are aware that workplace bullying exists and that it is happening across the United States. Yet, the fact remains that few acknowledge that bullying is happening in their organization and even fewer make any attempt to intervene when workplace aggression is reported.  Why don’t organizations and leadership take workplace bullying seriously? 

One reason is that many leaders are bullies. Aggressive leaders are in charge and have power in the organization. Bully leaders are under the misconception that their bad behavior is professional. These types of leaders strongly believe that their acts of aggression are in fact good leadership behaviors. Aggressive leaders are unable to self-reflect and therefore, they are not even open to the idea that they could be a workplace bully. The target is the problem because they are unable to cope with their leadership style and as such, bullying is not taken seriously.

Also, when allegations are made against the bully leader, they quickly annihilate the target along with the accusations. This sends a clear message to other workers that bullying in their work environment is a way of life and that is the way it is. Workers either join the bullying or they will most likely become a target.

Many times, leaders are promoted due to their expertise and/or longevity and not on their strong leadership abilities. As such, leaders may not have the skills to adequately manage workplace aggression and many are unwilling to seek consultation to develop the necessary expertise to do so.  Organizations frequently do not have a clear expectation about the kind of leadership they want nor do they train their administrators to be effective leaders. This leaves organizations controlled by managers who do not have the skills to oversee organizations plagued with bullying.

Another reason that organization do not address bullying is because it is a complicated, irrational problem. Most organizations do not have the ability to solve complex personnel concerns nor do they have the desire to put in the necessary processes to do so.

Solving aggression requires time and commitment. It demands developing fair and equitable policies and procedures. Managing aggression also necessitates the need for progressive discipline that organizations are willing to follow. It also requires providing training and education for leaders and workers on bullying.

If you or someone you know is experiencing persistent workplace aggression, please contact me at jankircher@jankircher.com or (320) 309-2360. You can also visit my website at www.jankircher.com. Help is out there.

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