WE Are Better Than This

I woke up this morning and my heart hurts. For days, we’ve been hearing about the protests of police brutality and racism that led to George Floyd’s unnecessary death. Among the bleakness, we also hear stories about the outreach of police that drop their shields, walk into crowds, and try to assure the peaceful protesters that they are with them. That they too strive for fairness, justice, and equality. 

 Yesterday, one of our employees, an African American young woman with a passion and background in supporting diversity & inclusion, posted this on our Teams Channel: “Helios employees, in the spirit of ally-ship and solidarity, I want to take the time to acknowledge what is happening in our Country and in the news. Dr. Maya Angelou said it best. “We’re more alike, my friend, than we are unalike.” She went on to say, “I acknowledge that many of us are feeling hurt and confused as we grieve the losses of Amad Aubrey, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd. If Helios is the sun, we are the light.” And she encouraged us to continue to “let our light shine as we live by example through hope, love and understanding.”

 As a leader, I am grateful for the spirit in which she launched what has now begun a conversation between us and will continue as a dialogue within our entire organization. I recognize that as a white woman I have not stood in the shoes of those who are treated differently because of their race. I would like to better understand racial injustice and inequality in many respects, plaguing our country. It is a timely, important, and relevant conversation to have. 

 During this unique time in global history, people are experiencing loss, anger, sadness, anxiety, and exhaustion. She shared a quote with me that she read recently online. “It feels like we are grieving, and we can’t take bereavement.”  I admit, even in our organization where diversity & inclusion are highly valued, taught and trained, gaps exist from where we are and where we want to be. 

 Together, we can be better than this. I believe, that as leaders it is our responsibility to create a culture where people feel safe, appreciated, and encouraged. Where we are all in an environment not to survive, but to THRIVE, to support and be supported so that we can be the people we were created to be. 

Chelese Perry

Founder and CEO⏐ Leadership Consultant - Advisor - Coach⏐ Supporting leaders at all levels in organizations build confidence, resilience, and inclusive leadership skills professionally and personally.


Thank you for sharing your voice. I too believe, WE are better than this!

Shirley Clark, CLC

Transition and Career Development Coach and Trainer. Helping you move from where you are to where you aspire to be.


It is an incredible time in our history, and I am hopeful and prayerful that the change we need through greater understanding is in reach. Kathy, thank you for your tireless and inspiring leadership every day and for sharing what so many of us are feeling. The love we are born to give knows no boundaries, and if we lead with our hearts, our minds and our actions will follow. We need to continually celebrate our "likenesses" and have curiosity and compassion for our differences.

Gloria Norman

Principal, Norman Consulting


Thanks Kathy, Ken & others...please continue to help the world be a better place.  Both of you were kind & respectful when we met years ago.  I believe that kind of acceptance has spread significantly...just not enough!! Sincerely Gloria Norman

Kristina F.

Executive Director, JFFLabs at Jobs for the Future | Partner, The Marathon Fund | Game Changer


Kathy, Thank you for sharing this personal example and reflection. Leaders, like you, who create space and a culture where people feel like they can speak up AND be supported is so important right now.

Rosemary Petreikis

Vice President - Business Development


It's a truly beautiful message and one that we all need to take to heart and put into action every day. I agree with Dennis as well. We all need to heal.


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