Today, the spotlight is being thrown at Bishop Dr. Charles Cofie Hackman. He is the Ceo of the Here for Perfection Organization (H4P). A non-governmental organization whose mission is to bring dignity to disabilities and help eliminate discrimination against persons with disability.

Dr. Hackman seeks to throw the spotlight on the abilities of persons with disability and this time around he has done it again. I witnessed the second edition of the Ability Praize Concert (APC) organized by Dr. Hackman and members of his organization. APC was an event organized to bring persons with disability together on one stage, exhibiting their talents such as singing, dancing, and many others. Promoting, advancing, and elevating persons with disability is the aim of the magniloquent Ceo of the H4P organization.

"Nothing about us without us" is a slogan used to communicate the idea that no policy should be decided by any representative without the full and direct participation of members of the group(s) affected by that policy. Often times persons with disability are treated as afterthoughts and are sidelined whenever policies and decisions have to be taken. Dr. Hackman's aim has always been to bring inclusion whenever persons with disability are involved. He never segregated them nor discriminated against them. He made sure he includes them in everything he does, understood them, and provided for their needs.

The voice of the voiceless stemmed from persons living with disability being segregated because they are the muted group in society. As part of the programs slated for APC was the launch of the Christina Hackman Impact Leadership(CHIL) awards. This award was launched in honour of the memory of the mother of Dr. Hackman, Mrs. Christina Anasewa Hackman. A great woman who stood out to be the pillar of Dr. Hackman. The aim of this award is to honour persons living with disability who have worked assiduously in promoting and fighting for the rights of persons with disability in society. His focus is to encourage other persons with disability to work hard and attain certain heights in life.

I recommend Bishop Dr. Charles Cofie Hackman to everyone, most especially to citizens who are capable of throwing their weights behind him by supporting him with funds to continue the good work he is doing.

Bishop Dr. Charles Cofie Hackman is an exceptional and extraordinary leader. He is a great visionary and above all his uniqueness is unfathomable. His love for the vulnerable is quite incomprehensible. He is a blessing to mankind. To him, disability does not mean you are incapable. Disability means you were made special by God specially and your capabilities are greater than the so-called abled people

Winifred Frimpong

--Brand Ambassador /Customer Service Specialist, Eservices Africa Limited


Great piece there, girl.

Jay Foley

Voice Over artist - Copywriter - Radio/TV Personality - Content Creator



Sandra Ollennu

Wisconsin International University College, Ghana


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