A Message to Colleagues About Recent Racist Events

A Message to Colleagues About Recent Racist Events

Like so many people, over the last few days my family and I have shared our sadness and outrage at the chilling racist events of the last week.

Below is a message I shared with my colleagues at ManpowerGroup earlier today…


Dear Colleagues,

Like you and your families, over the last few days my family and I have shared our sadness and outrage at the chilling, racist events of the last week. The tragic death of George Floyd in Minneapolis and the horrific incident in New York’s Central Park are the latest of many episodes angering swathes of our communities, across the U.S. and beyond. 

Following a weekend of protests and unrest in many cities across the country, including in our own community here in Milwaukee, I want to reinforce to all our ManpowerGroup employees, associates and clients that we take this as a stark reminder of the importance and urgency with which we all must address these inequities. When our society is broken for some, it is broken for all of us. And where we have the power, the influence, the tools and the opportunity to be a part of fixing this, we must stand together, and we must act together.   

Covid-19 arrived as a health crisis, now evolving into an economic and a social crisis. While it impacts everyone, we must be open in acknowledging that it doesn’t affect everyone in the same way. In every instance black and brown people in the US have been disproportionally impacted, adding to the inequalities and injustices that already existed for too long. This is a stark reminder that we still have a long way to go to make our communities and workplaces more equitable, more inclusive, and better for all. 

At ManpowerGroup, we believe in human potential and we advocate acceptance, respect and inclusion.  We remain committed to do all we can to fight racism and to strengthen diversity, equality and inclusion within our great company, and in the communities in which we live and operate. We also know, from our vast experience in labor markets across the world, that we must engage and include all available talent and ignite human potential to sustainably grow prosperity around the world. It is the right thing to do, and it is what we must do to prosper. 

I confess that I do not know all the answers to rectifying many decades of racism and inequality.  But I do know that I want us, by living our values, to be part of the solution. And I know that we will never stop working towards creating a better and more equal workplace where everyone feels welcome, listened to and seen, and able to unleash their human potential. We will never shift from our purpose – that meaningful and sustainable employment has the power to change the world. We will always take seriously our responsibility and our commitment to reach, assess, train and upskill people of all communities because we do know that work, education, skills and aspiration are critical parts of community cohesion and prosperity.  

We are proud that our workforce is diverse, yet we acknowledge we have more work to do.  For every employee in our organization, particularly those of color, I want to say clearly that we are with you, we support you and we hear your pain and anger. And where there is more we can do, we will listen, we will learn and we will change. We are committed to doing our part and being part of the solution. 

Margaret Larson

Award-winning experience curator with local acclaim. Specialized in cultivating authentic relationships and strategic partnerships creating impactful collaborations through community engagement that drive mutual success.


Incredibly impactful and powerfully authentic. True leadership.Thank you!


Appreciate your comments. We applaud all those who demonstrated to bring the nation's and world's attention to this ongoing injustice to the Black community. It has opened up the heart and soul of America to confront racism a man made disease that only we can eliminate.  Dr. King recognized we can pass all the laws we want we cannot legislate the heart. And Einstein said, "You cannot solve a problem with the same consciousness that created it.  You must stand on a higher ground." CBS Network TV has been airing a PSA for the past 6 months that speaks to the heart and consciousness. It will continue for the next year -  https://www.facebook.com/WorldUnityInc/videos/1335867746454439/  The first time it aired was in 1986 on CBS and NBC Network TV. The Sun poem inspired the PSA.  Over the years individuals have shared stories of how they were changed by the poem.  One person learned open mindedness, another learned humility and  the most profound change was a person who learned humility. These are essential qualities we need to cultivate to embrace diversity and inclusion. We all play a role in making people feel valued and included in our daily interaction at work and the community.  Mother Teresa realized the profound impact discrimination can make on a person. She once said, "I've come to realize over the years that being unwanted is the worst disease that any human being can experience."  We applaud you for signing the pledge CEO's Act on Diversity and Inclusion. We hope you will recommend it for their resource center as a tool that all companies could have access to. To eliminate racism and all forms of discrimination we must have a sustained collective effort to change the mindset and the consciousness and make the world a better place for everyone.  To learn more about the work we've been dedicated to eliminating racism please visit worldunityinc.org

Jayne Bishop (she/her)

Senior Business Manager - Early Careers / Future Talent - Talent and Delivery Centre - UK - Passionate about delivering best of the best Future Talent / Early Careers campaigns for leading clients.


Thank you for sharing, its good to hear Manpower speak out honestly and open. The more organisations that do this, the more the world will be educated and hopefully be more accepting and inclusive.

Ranjana Rao

People centered Strategy, Change Management and Transformation Leader, Global Program Manager, Strategist, C-suite trusted partner and advocate for Girls education globally


My first job in UK at ICL Stevenage was through Manpower . I have fond memories of the great team that mentored and welcomed a fresher. Glad to see Manpower continuing on the path of diversity and Inclusion. Jonas Prising your speaking up is greatly appreciated.


Chairman at Anzologix, Duela Bobebe, IR Global, Shwemso, SINGILA TRUST


Being vocal on racist matters, helps align the future young leaders of tomorrow


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