Fear Is Just A Four Letter Word

Fear Is Just A Four Letter Word

New Year Inspiration – Chapter 2

Everyone, regardless of gender, fears something. And fear is completely normal – until it starts to overtake your life and becomes your reality.

In my last post I shared some of my fears, along with four steps to overcome fear. While the steps are easy, the commitment you make to yourself to do the work will determine your success. The four steps:

  1. Analyzing Your Fear(s)
  2. Taking Control
  3. Thinking Differently
  4. Celebrate Success
Fear is a state of mind.

What we believe, what we say to others and the words we say to ourselves will move us toward our desired outcomes or literally stop us in our tracks.

Our words, thoughts and actions have extreme power. We may not be aware of the power we possess. A look, a smile, a word of criticism or praise can destroy in seconds, or lift up forever.

I began to notice the positive effects words had on others when I have given sincere appreciation of gratitude, or wrote a positive message. My affirmations began about 20 years ago, on a post- it note. I’ll be honest and tell you back then I did not have the complete belief in myself that I could accomplish amazing things, although I had the ability to motivate and inspire others from behind the scenes.

I believe in you.

I could empower others to take action in their lives with the overriding belief that if they wanted something bad enough and they were willing to do the work, nothing could stop them. I told them to “get out of their own way,” when I was the one still standing in mine.

I would give these post-it notes to people that asked for my coaching to support their personal goals. I would write out the messages and tell them to put the post-it notes all over their home, especially on their bathroom mirrors. I instructed them to read the messages out loud, while looking in the mirror, each morning and night. I received a few calls along the lines of “Bonnie, I feel a little silly saying these words out loud and do I have to look at myself in the mirror at the same time?

I would reply back to the business professionals, city mayors and members of congress, “If you do not believe in yourself, how will your constituents ever believe in you.” The belief I had in them helped to support the belief they had all along – once they tapped in to it. They went on to successfully fulfill their dreams in helping to make a better tomorrow for all of us, as I continued to move forward with the work on me.

The words we say to others are important.

The words we say to others are important. The words we say to ourselves are even more important. Be careful in your selection. You are always listening.

My post-it note messages have grown up and they are hitting the retail market in 2015. Six different vinyl decals are packaged together around themes – Confidence, Courage, Fear, Life, Relationships, Happiness and Gratitude. The full line can be previewed at www.essentialinspiration.net

If you are living a full life you will be in a constant state of growth. You are not the same person you were a year ago, a month ago, or a week ago. You’re always growing.

Experiences don’t stop. That’s life.

Let’s face it; a life without fear and the courage to overcome fear would be downright boring. Today I’m actually excited whenever I discover something that I’m afraid to do, because I know that something wonderful is going to happen – provided I summon the courage to take action.

Do the thing you fear the most. You now have four steps to guide you though your fear, provided you are willing to do the work. Monitor your thinking. Negative thoughts weaken your courage muscle and drain your energy. Acknowledge a negative thought and replace it with a positive one.

We become the story we tell. Change the words you say to yourself to overcome your fears and the results can be amazing.

Welcome to 2015, let’s do this together!

Bonnie Milletto is author of the book, “Dedicated To The Cup, Nine Ways To Reinvent A Life!” An inspirational light, Bonnie is a featured motivational columnist for Willamette Living Magazine. Bonnie is also a keynote speaker and expert on the topic of empowerment, overcoming fear and providing exemplary customer service. Her website is www.bonniemilletto.com She is available to speak to your group. Email Bonnie at bonnie@bonniemilletto.com for more information.

Diane Galicia

Remote Sales & Marketing Specialist | Customer Relationship Manager | Remote Recruiter | Remote Trainer | Remote Contractor Assistant


Excellent post Bonnie!! My motivational message to start my year, and share with my team is "Feel The Fear, and Do It Anyway!" This is a title of a book by Susan Jeffers. I read it many years ago, and was inspired to face my fears, and empower my life. When I become afraid, I think of that message and take the courage and action in my life to make my dreams happen! I really like your suggestion of the post it notes! I write positive messages in lipstick on my mirror.😉. Have a blessed and impactful New Year!!!

Scott Jackman

Sales Representative at DaBella Exteriors LLC


Thanks again. It's wonderful to feel that difference in the morning. Yes, know it can and does feel a bit silly in the front of the mirror. The more I state my declarations the stronger I feel. And I begin to feel the doubts and fears melta away. Scott Jackman

Dr. Angela D. Pearson,(Navy-Army Veteran) LCP®, CDE®, ODCP, SSBB, MBA, MSOSH, MSIOP

TFP Board Member| Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Strategist| I-O Psychology| Thought Leadership| Veteran Ambassador| Author


Your article is a helpful reminder that fear does not have to control us. Sometimes believing in ourselves can support our mental and emotional processes to eliminate fear all together! Thank you for sharing.

Adiv Abramson

Excel/VBA Automation Developer


Thanks for a good motivational posting. It seems that most or all of the people you advise are employed. For the long term unemployed, older and experienced Americans such as myself in today's brutal job market that actively discriminates against older workers, fear is an ever present and very real companion that no amount of motivational affirmations will remove. There's lot to be afraid of when you can't get a job.

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