The coded language game
Uncovering the truth behind obesity bias

The coded language game

Obesity bias is alive and well and let me be the first to acknowledge that obesity bias is ingrained in us, myself included. To address and be rid of the obesity bias in our world requires work to reshape the way we think, and the language we use around the topic of obesity care. A pivotal moment of growth for me happened when the Obesity Action Coalition modeled for me what obesity bias truly looks like in all settings, including healthcare, education, and employment settings, and the importance of identifying and working on your own biases. According to the OAC, obesity bias in the employment setting impacts everything from hiring decisions, to wage inequities, and more.  

I have the privilege of talking to healthcare leaders and decision-makers every day. From employers, insurance carriers, and consultants, to PMBs, I have contact with leadership teams across the healthcare vertical. One of the biggest surprises over the last year is the regular occurrence of obesity bias during important decision-making clinical meetings. 

Sometimes it is direct statements that are indisputably direct examples of obesity bias. Oftentimes the bias is directed toward stories of a family member or friend. But, more often the bias comes in the form of coded language such as: 

  • “Let’s fix the obesogenic environment first, then we can talk about expensive medications” and “Let’s go ahead and ban highly processed foods or build more bike paths."—The use of coded language like this is often misdirected, or even a form of denial to see how critical the obesity epidemic is.  
  • “How long do they have to be on these medications?”This suggests that obesity is a short-term problem with an easy fix. At a deeper level, this implies that individuals are not deserving of a long-term solution. 
  • “Skin in the game”This is really code for let’s penalize anyone with extra weight. 
  • “EZ-button”— Obesity medications are the EZ button to weight-loss according to celebrities. This shows a lack of respect and understanding of the complexities of obesity.  

It is both surprising and disheartening to witness the pervasive nature of obesity bias and, more significantly, its impact on denying access to essential care for those who require it. The recognition of bias within the healthcare system is not only an acknowledgment of individual prejudices but an alarming realization of its consequences. A good first step to being a part of the solution rather than the problem is to do a self-check. Ask yourself, “Would I say the same thing about blood pressure, cholesterol, or cancer care?”.  

People facing obesity should not be impeded in their access to necessary medical attention, and the existence of bias in this regard reveals a critical need for systemic change. Addressing and rectifying these biases is not just a matter of personal growth but a fundamental step towards fostering a healthcare environment that is truly inclusive and prioritizes equitable access to care for every individual, irrespective of their health conditions or body weight. 

Absolutely resonate with your thoughts on tackling obesity bias. It takes conscious effort to reframe our perspectives and the language we use. Simon Sinek once mentioned the power of empathy in leadership and change – something that deeply applies here as we work towards more inclusive health narratives. 🌟 It's inspiring to see discussions like these pushing us forward. Keep leading the way!

Ernst Snyman

Family practitioner at Smith Clinic and St Mary hospital


I have been a dictor for many years dealing with DM and obesity. I do not believe in pussyfooting around a subject. Call a spade a spade. If you have a weight problem , the first step to correct that is to face the fact. The journey to loose weight is difficult enough, taking a long time to complete, requiring a mindst change, and is not the place to pull punches

Clare Mullen

Connecting people and ideas for better health | Health Consumers' Council WA | The WELL Collaborative | Weight Issues Network


Great to highlight that not all weight bias is explicit. Many of us - myself included - need to learn about the complexity and science of weight and health to avoid assumptions like "well, that kind of treatment is a last resort" which suggests people have to prove that they've "tried" in order to deserve "treatment". I always take care when talking about this subject because I've learned that not everyone in larger bodies have the same health concerns and that people have a right to judgement and bias free care so they can make a truly informed decision about what's the right option for them and their health, in their context. Something that is still way too difficult to access because so few health professionals are aware of their weight bias lens. Thanks for trying to make that more visible.

Joe Sapone

Founder @ P4+ | MBA, Sales Management, Healthcare Advocacy


Someone called me fat today. I asked them to think about if what they said could be considered ignorant. Then I laughed and walked away with a “win”. What a fool. When I see the guy over the summer, I’ll enlighten him.

Caitlyn Shoemaker, MS, RDN, LDN/CDN, EDRC,CEDS

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist specializing in eating disorders | Certified Eating Disorders Specialist | Eating Disorders Recovery Coach


I would argue that the words “ob*sity” and “overweight” are pathologizing in themselves and also are inherently fatphobic which in turn increases weight stigma and shame internalized by patients. Let’s move away from this language and start reclaiming people-first language including the words “fat” and “larger-bodied”. Fat is not the problem. Weight bias from healthcare providers that leads to internalized weight stigma is. Examples of my point:

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