Bruce Yaccato: Can Jian Ghomeshi make a comeback?


It was a mesmerizing personal and professional train wreck unfolding in a process that couldn’t have been more public and humiliating for one of the most respected, iconic broadcasters in the business.

A career and stature years in the making were being inexorably destroyed by revelations of aberrant sexual behaviour that led to assault and battery charges, a summary firing by his network and the very real prospect of jail time. He said he thought all the acts were consensual.

The star had fallen to pariah status as the media had field days with testimony revealing the kinky details of his repulsive turn-ons, his broadcasting career surely dead.

It all could perhaps describe ex-CBC radio host Jian Ghomeshi. But it’s not about him. It’s the true story of the legendary American sportscaster Marv Albert, whose fetishes left him unemployed and in the prisoners’ dock in 1997. It’s a case study that Ghomeshi’s handlers may already be studying. And if not, they should. Albert pleaded guilty to misdemeanour assault and received a 12-month suspended sentence. A charge of forcible sodomy was dropped. To this day there are still jokes made on air and online about his penchant for biting and allegedly enjoying wearing women’s underwear.


But as for being finished, he’s not.

After a year of psychiatric treatment, his criminal record was erased and he was the object of a bidding war between Fox Sports and his old network NBC. The head of NBC Sports said “Marv has done what he had to do.” There was no blowback from sponsors and Albert leapt out of purgatory into four jobs with NBC, Turner Sports and his old gig as the voice of the New York Knicks. He was making an estimated $2.5 million. Just three years after the low point of his life, he was covering the 2000 Olympics. The stunning redemption was so complete, it was Albert who won the coveted 2010 interview with America’s No. 1 roundball fan, Barack Obama. He was a guest on David Letterman 126 times

THE CANADIAN PRESSTHE CANADIAN PRESSJian Ghomeshi, left, and his lawyer Marie Henein arrive at court in Toronto on Thursday, Jan. 8, 2015.

So websites may wish him happy birthday (he’s 73) and refer to him as “Broadcaster and Backbiter,” but his legendary career is back, not just in one piece, but thriving.

Still, that was a simpler time, before the power of social media and the advent of trolling. And in a city where being the voice of the Knicks is just slightly below being a minor deity.

For a more contemporary story of resurrection and the detailed crisis-management game plan that achieved it, there is the case of the National Football League’s Michael Vick.

Vick was a budding superstar after being drafted first overall in 2001. He could run and throw like no one had ever seen. He was Nike’s prized property and became the highest-paid player in the league. He became an icon as an African-American quarterback in a trade usually reserved for white men.

He could have been a zillionaire with an outside chance at sainthood, but unbelievably, he threw it all away over his insistence at financing a dog fighting ring. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals found that “Michael Vick was fully involved in a six-year pattern of illegal activity that included dogs being savagely electrocuted, drowned and beaten to death.” He was caught by police, dumped by his team and sentenced to 23 months in jail, most of them in the notorious Leavenworth penitentiary. He was vilified. There were calls for his execution. He was bankrupt and very much in disgrace in fortune and men’s eyes.

He did have a stroke of luck being found by Tony Dungy, the first black man to coach in the Super Bowl. Dungy was a devout Christian who, upon retiring, devoted his life to the prison ministry and came to know Vick in Leavenworth. He helped Vick find his way back to football and all-star status. “From prison to Pro Bowl,” the sports sections said.

Rehabilitating his reputation took more work. He worked with the Humane Society and played a key role in the passage of a bill making it a felony to bring a child to an animal fight.

He became active in outreach programs for youth to spread his new anti-animal-violence message and was credited with being effective in inner city black neighbourhoods, where dogfighting continued to thrive.

He offered remorse, did his time, did not lash out at critics. He used his celebrity to urge young people to respect and protect animal life and not to make the same terrible choices he had. He admitted wrongdoing and engaged his detractors with contrition and conversion to their causes.

It has been said that redemption is a measure of a civilized society. Aren’t we all delivered from sin by the Great Redeemer himself?


What are the odds that Ghomeshi will be given his shot at redemption? If history is any indication, the odds are pretty good. Clearly it’s been done before. The Vick and Albert cases are templates for successful celebrity reputation rehabilitation.

True he has nowhere near the stature of the other two. And while Canada is not New York, sport is sport and broadcasting is broadcasting. The odds of getting another chance depends entirely on the numbers: viewers, listeners, touchdown passes, home runs. If you have them, someone will knock on your door, apparently regardless of how many backs you’ve bitten, ribs you’ve cracked or dogs you’ve killed.

It’s not much of a stretch to imagine a similar display of contrition and remorse, orchestrated by expensive image specialists: Ghomeshi strongly advocating an end to violence against women, warning high school students and perhaps writing cheques for the right causes. Vick wrote one for $200,000 for a high school football field in Philadelphia.

If correctly executed, it will be when, not if, a microphone and payday awaits.

However distasteful the thought, it would be surprising if his name isn’t already being discussed. Monstrous behaviour does not necessarily disqualify him. Moral shmoral. He’s got the numbers.

National Post

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