2010 - 2019: A Career Decade Reflection
Photography Credit: Lulu Lightning

2010 - 2019: A Career Decade Reflection

2010 - 2019: A Career Decade Reflection 

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2010 - Ready with degree-in-hand to continue making an impact in diverse schools throughout NYC (Graduating from CCNY)

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2011 - Exchanging knowledge and life stories with my 600+ CCNY students has always been a highlight in my career

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2012 - Guiding 73 of the most dynamic students in the South Bronx to apply and to attend college

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2013 - Sharing sustainable farming with my CUNY students in Brooklyn

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2014 - Having a daily impact on student's goals at the CCNY Writing Center with our incredible team

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2015 - Emphasizing that people and culture should always come first at TripleLift

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2016 - Sharing how you can diversify your recruitment pipeline and minimize unconscious bias at Google for Entrepreneurs via @Change Catalyst

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2017 - Helping 250 diverse Rutgers University students transition into technical roles in our coding bootcamp

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2018 - Representing Bluewolf, an IBM Company at the Women in IT Series Awards Gala and being honored for leading women in tech initiatives and programs both internally and externally

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2019 - Delivering a keynote on my personal story for founding ArtherapyHQ and facilitating a storytelling workshop with WOMEN IN TECH - Global Movement at Deloitte

#womenintech #impact #socialentrepreneur #gratitude

People I want to thank across this decade:

2010 Yana Josef - you were a sponsor for me throughout my studies and afterwards when I began teaching at the university, Migen Prifti you always advised me to make the best choices while studying and in life

2011 to all of my incredible students, you made a lasting impact on my life; to all of my professors, I'm grateful for your guidance

2012 Rosa Cruz-Cordero, CNP for bringing your breadth of knowledge and care to our students

2013 Renata Kobetts Miller and Jane Marcus who opened my eyes to the voices of women in literature

2014 To our passionate CCNY Writing Center team Mardi Jaskot Svetlana Bochman Ana Marjanovic Laura Pilloni Lizbeth Vazquez to name a few

2015 Eric Berry for showing me the delicate balance of being a founder and someone who truly cares about his team

2016 Melinda Briana Epler and Wayne Sutton for giving me the opportunity to share solutions to #techinclusion on multiple occasions

2017 Rachel Stanton at Diversity Builder, Inc. for working together to make a direct impact on diversity in a variety of industries

2018 Kristen Sarty for showing me that leadership can be from the heart, Caryn Fried for opening up doors of opportunity, Stephen Virostek for being my advocate and the game-changer, Gustavo Netto for being my sparing partner and my digital partner in crime, Michele Dunn for your mentorship throughout major life decisions and constant encouragement, Elaine Schwartz for your continual #ladyboss work at IBM

2019 Snežana Zivčevska-Stalpers for giving me the opportunity to share ArtherapyHQ's story, Edwin Hendrick and Jeroen Borst for sponsorship within Capgemini and the #Salesforce COE, Bert Heijnen for believing in my value from the start of us working on h00k

To the entire ArtherapyHQ team: Susie Szuhsuan Li Laurence Ogé Paulina Grunwald Turan Egle Ramoskaite Guillaume Kloof Lorenzo Kopp Laura

Svetlana Bochman

I help families get students into top colleges.


Thank you Nalani.  It was great to have you as part of our staff at the CCNY Writing Center.  That Halloween picture brought back memories!

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