From the course: Critical Communications for IT

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The response phase

The response phase

- [Instructor] Now we focus on the Continued Response Phase, the phase when action is taken and the incident becomes publicly known. Ideally, you want to have control over when the public discovers the information so you can position it in the right way, but that will not always be the case. Here we see the indicators for this response phase align with each of the four resource areas. One of the most important decisions you'll make once a critical situation becomes public, is who will be speaking on behalf of the organization. Timing, skills, position and ability are all factors that are important to this people resource indicator. We look at the potential levels of seriousness, the potential impact of the news becoming public. This will shape what we say, when we'll say it, how we'll say it and who we'll use to communicate. The best practices will help you in determining the right tactics in making the best decisions…
