From the course: Critical Communications for IT

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The CCC model results areas, phases, and resources layers

The CCC model results areas, phases, and resources layers

From the course: Critical Communications for IT

The CCC model results areas, phases, and resources layers

- [Instructor] The top part of the model is the results areas. Here we have the definition of results areas and a figure that shows the four key results areas that any organization has. Ideally, whatever you do to communicate in critical situations will not negatively impact any of these areas, and where possible, even impact them positively through the way you handle the situation. It may seem counterintuitive, but a critical situation is not just a problem, it's an opportunity, an opportunity to build trust and confidence in each of these four results areas that are critical to any organization. Here we see the four results areas defined. If you go back to the cybersecurity and business PR nightmare vignettes earlier in this course, you should start to be able to tick off how the handling of each situation impacted each of these areas for each affected organization, for better or for worse. While each critical…
