From the course: Critical Communications for IT

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The CCC model engagement approaches and the six Cs of communication

The CCC model engagement approaches and the six Cs of communication

From the course: Critical Communications for IT

The CCC model engagement approaches and the six Cs of communication

- [Narrator] One key principle for dealing with an issue include being authentic, speaking using approachable language and avoid highly technical and overly legalistic language. It's showing empathy and shaping the narrative to aid the perception. For example, that you are a victim and not a perpetrator of a cyber attack. This also includes apologizing appropriately, reiterating that your customers are your number one priority. Another is knowing your audience, knowing who you're talking to and aligning and telling your messages accordingly. Positioning questions is vital. You don't need to answer every question, position questions in a way that helps you answer in the way you want to answer so that you can make your core points. Knowing your core message is key. Always know you start, what you want to communicate in the one or two or three messages that you need to learn to resonate with the public. The bridge is…
