From the course: Critical Communications for IT

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Review, exam revision, and next steps

Review, exam revision, and next steps

From the course: Critical Communications for IT

Review, exam revision, and next steps

- [Instructor] Well, that's it for the course content. Thanks for taking this journey with me through the course. I hope you've got a number of ideas for quick wins when you get back on the job. Now let's take some time to summarize our learning, and move on to preparing for the optional CCC Foundation examination. Here's a snapshot of what we covered; the rationale or why of critical communications, the model and its component parts, the results areas, phases, resources and levers. And here's what you should be able to do now that you've completed the course. This is what the optional certification exam will test you on. Here's the format for the exam: 40 questions multiple choice with a score of 26/40 or 65% to pass. To pass it, you must complete all sample exams and check the rationale and the answers and rationales for the book answer for any answers you do not get right so that you can understand why the correct…
