From the course: Critical Communications for IT

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Resource capability indicators and optional self-assessment walk-through: Aftermath indicators

Resource capability indicators and optional self-assessment walk-through: Aftermath indicators

From the course: Critical Communications for IT

Resource capability indicators and optional self-assessment walk-through: Aftermath indicators

- [Tutor] Now we consider the resources we draw on in the aftermath of a critical situation. Starting with people, closing critical situations done well with the right communications and actions is key. Just as the initial response, that's a first impression. This is your opportunity to set how the incident is viewed in the rear view mirror. Here, we see some process indicators for the aftermath phase for what the state of your capability might be. Postmortems must be learning and growth orient not which haunts, where we seek to place blame. So a safety culture that balances accountability with the safety to admit and correct mistakes is key. Here's some indicators of your capability in the aftermath of a critical situation in the process dimension crit sets that result in lawsuits and regulatory and law enforcement scrutiny are no fun. So you must handle crit sets in a manner that does not draw all of that down on you. If at…
