Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP)

Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP)

Public Policy Offices

Montpelier, VT 5,801 followers

Energizing Change

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The Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP)® is an independent, non-partisan, non-governmental organization dedicated to accelerating the transition to a clean, reliable, and efficient energy future. We help energy and air quality regulators and NGOs navigate the complexities of power sector policy, regulation, and markets and develop innovative and practical solutions designed to meet local conditions. We focus on the world's four largest power markets: China, Europe, India, and the United States.

Public Policy Offices
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11-50 employees
Montpelier, VT


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    EV Smart Charging & V2G | Demand-side Flexibility | Policy, Regulation & Innovation | Independent Advisor

    Electricity grids have finite capacity. As renewables thrive and new electrified end uses arise, pressure on the grid is mounting. Lack of grid capacity is already a key barrier to deploying new renewables and connecting new consumers, such as EV charging infrastructure, and capacity is likely to continue to lag behind what is needed for several years to come. This is exacerbated by inefficient grid connection procedures that are unable to keep up with the surge in requests. The resulting long connection queues and delayed projects risk holding back Europe's accelerating energy transition. Greater transparency will not solve the need to build more grid infrastructure, but it can speed up what is currently a very inefficient application process. It can help eliminate "fishing" for capacity with multiple applications for a new grid connection. It can also provide a platform for matching resources with complementary load/generation profiles: think of co-locating a solar farm with an EV charging hub and a battery. Elisabeth Cremona and Chris Rosslowe from Ember and Zsuzsanna Pató from Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP) give an overview of the maps currently available from European DSOs and TSOs and provide details on what an ideal grid hosting capacity map would look like. Their recommendations have shaped this great interactive visualisation of what an ideal map would look like, offering granular insights, detailed horizons, data portability and matchmaking opportunities. Thanks to ChargeUp Europe members for sharing insights into their planning work and the barriers they face in securing grid capacity for EV charging hubs!

  • European grids are decarbonising at a remarkable pace, but the electrification of industrial energy demand is lagging behind. Sem Oxenaar and Jan Rosenow highlight how governments and industry can play a crucial role in realizing the significant benefits of industrial electrification for both climate goals and EU energy import independence. Read more ⬇ how we can accelerate this transition and unlock its full potential. #EnergyTransition #Decarbonisation #Electrification #ClimateAction #EU #IndustrialElectrification

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    Jan Rosenow Jan Rosenow is an Influencer

    Energy transition optimist │ Director, European Programmes at Regulatory Assistance Project │ Research Associate at Oxford and Cambridge Universities │ LinkedIn Top Voice │ FEI │ FRSA

    HOT OFF THE PRESS: Ramping up industrial electrification is a win-win for EU import dependency and climate. But how to unleash its potential from currently only 3% of process heat? Sem Oxenaar & me Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP) have some answers in FORESIGHT Climate & Energy.

    How to drive industrial electrification for climate and strategic independence

    How to drive industrial electrification for climate and strategic independence

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    View profile for Jan Rosenow, graphic
    Jan Rosenow Jan Rosenow is an Influencer

    Energy transition optimist │ Director, European Programmes at Regulatory Assistance Project │ Research Associate at Oxford and Cambridge Universities │ LinkedIn Top Voice │ FEI │ FRSA

    The lack of grid capacity is already a key barrier to deploying renewables & electrification. One of many solutions: grid hosting capacity maps published by grid operators. Here's our Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP) & Ember proposal for what this could look like in Europe. You can see a mock up in video below and more detail when you click on this link 👇 Thanks to Zsuzsanna Pató, Elisabeth Cremona & Chris Rosslowe for doing this work. While some users, such as existing industries or households, have no or limited options to choose the location of their grid connection; others do, such as project promoters looking to develop new renewables, electrolysers, data centres or large electric vehicle chargers. Having visibility on available capacity at various locations would enable these users to factor it into their decisions and make smarter applications. This could bring multiple benefits: 1) Certain grid users can select the location of their installations according to capacity availability, reducing the time spent in grid connection queues, potentially speeding up investment decisions and thus the deployment of critical clean technologies. 2) It could alleviate the number of grid connection requests submitted to the TSO/DSO, as project promoters would not need to desperately ‘fish’ for locations, submitting multiple grid connection requests for various locations (as is common practice, currently). 3) It would enable users to make the best use of the existing network, both through identifying where new capacity can be connected and where flexibility solutions such as storage and demand-side flexibility are in high demand. Note that these hosting capacity maps are not entirely new. Utilities in 24 US states have provided grid capacity maps for years, and third-party service providers also offer this information. Some European system operators have been following suit, and this has now become mandatory for both TSOs and DSOs under the recently revised EU electricity market legislation.

  • NEW toolkit out today - a collaboration between Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP) and Ember! Authors Zsuzsanna Pató, Elisabeth Cremona and Chris Rosslowe show us what an "ideal" hosting capacity map might look like for grid operators. Learn more about this interactive briefing ⬇ .

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    Senior Advisor at RAP

    Transparency about power grid capacity is no longer a ‘nice-to-have' but a ‘must’ for an efficient #EnergyTransition. More transparency is not going to solve the need to build more #GridInfrastructure but can speed up the currently very inefficient application process. It can help eliminate the "fishing" for capacity with multiple applications for a new grid connection. In addition, it can provide a platform for matchmaking resources with complementary load/generation profiles. EU legislation requires ALL grid operators to develop hosting capacity maps; specifics are still in the making. In the meantime, find out what we believe an “ideal” map would look like in the briefing I developed with Elisabeth Cremona and Chris Rosslowe from Ember Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP)  Deborah Bynum Bram Claeys Timothy Simard Jaap Burger Andreas Jahn Ronny Sandoval Jan Rosenow

    Transparent grids for all

    Transparent grids for all

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    Explore why there is no one-size-fits-all solution to the #energytransition at "The Energy Transition: Everyone’s Business, But No Easy Choices," an online, on-demand summit on July 29 and 30. Join us to delve into the complexities and nuances of different #energy sources and technologies and why a multifaceted approach is necessary. Topics and panelists include: 🔋 Batteries, The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly with, Isidor Buchmann, Founder & CEO, Cadex Electronics Inc. Electronics and Publisher, Battery University 💡 The Push to Electrify, How Far to Push the Grid? with Michael Hogan, Senior Advisor, Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP) and Ken Colburn, Former Principal and Director of U.S. Programs, Regulatory Assistance Project 🔌 Migration from the Electricity Grid and Likely Consequences with Jim Lazar, Electricity Brain Trust and Anna Demeo, Former President & CTO, Savant Power and Technical Advisor, Cleantech Strategy Advisors 🚗 Transportation Infrastructure and Energy Choices, More Than Meets the Eye with Gustavo Collantes, PhD, Co-Founder and CEO, LOGIOS Global and Francois Vuille, Director of Energy, State of Vaud, Switzerland and Chairman, Tilt Global Register now ( to be a part of this event. The session recordings will be released on July 29 and 30 and will remain available to watch at your convenience until August 1.

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    Senior Advisor at Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP)

    Zonnepanelen geen goudmijn? Alles is relatief. Er was een tijd dat een terugverdientijd voor #zonnepanelen onder de 10 jaar het streefdoel was. Voor een installatie die 25 jaar werkt, is dat immers meer dan interessant. Er was ook een tijd dat we berekenden dat een gemiddelde injectieprijs van €65/MWh voldoende was om zonnepanelen (aan de kost van 5 jaar geleden) rendabel te krijgen. Negatieve prijzen en prijskannibalisatie in het algemeen leiden onder normale omstandigheden tot een reactie door bedrijven en energiegemeenschappen die opslag en vraagsturing organiseren. Dat zou inderdaad veel sneller mogen. Maar, nog eens, lijkt me niet zo gek om aan te nemen dat binnen de bovenvermelde termijn van 25 jaar, dat wel in orde komt en prijzen minder vaak negatief duiken. Bovendien, mocht onverhoopt #fossielgas plots opnieuw voor een prijscrisis zorgen, heb je ondertussen een buffer op je dak liggen. Zeker als dat dak en de rest van de woning ook goed geïsoleerd is. Dus, noem me een onverbeterlijke optimist, maar wij leggen toch maar vrolijk ons dak vol panelen. We hebben bovendien het geluk dat onder ons dak wel wat flexibiliteit te mobiliseren valt. Zorgen dat iedereen - en kwetsbare gezinnen op de eerste plaats - dit lukt, zou een prioriteit van de nieuwe regeringen, netbeheerders en energieleveranciers moeten zijn. Meer dan voldoende kapstokken in de kakelverse Europese elektriciteitsmarkt regels. De realiteit is gelukkig dat alvast de netbeheerders en creatieve denkers in de markt hier volop mee bezig zijn. Nu de nieuwe regeringen nog. Langer openhouden van inflexibele oude #kerncentrales zorgt daarentegen voor het langer aanslepen van periodes van prijskannibalisatie. Misschien is dat wel de bedoeling. Zo achterdochtig ben ik dan ook wel weer. (Korte reactie op het stuk van Nina Bernaerts in de Standaard, waar Kris Voorspools en Dieter Jong zoals gewoonlijk zeer verstandige dingen zeggen. (Altijd interessant om de boordtabel van de CREG te bekijken, voor wat perspectief: (Nog een leestip van de Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP) collega's, over sociaal inclusieve flexibiliteit:

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  • Happy Friday! Dr Richard Lowes is here to remind everyone that hydrogen for heating isn't the solution to clean heating challenges. Complete with loud music and loud shirts! Check out this great video below. 🤘

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    Senior Associate - RAP, Research Fellow - Exeter, Non-exec - Scot Gov. Energy policy expert specialising in heating, gas and electrification. Proudly independent and no political affiliation.

    I've heard repeatedly that new members of parliament are being lobbied by the gas industry on hydrogen for heating which we all know is a terrible idea. Here are the facts about hydrogen, the reasons for the lobbying and what we must do - to a drum and bass soundtrack. 🕺 My long read for recharge news that I refer to in the video and expand on this issues is here. I'm always happy to speak if I can help. And a sharable youtube link is here:

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    European Regional Coordinator at The Regulatory Assistance Project

    Learn about implementing the new EU provisions on #energypoverty, truck #megawattcharging, #EVs in #Turkey, smart charging #EV infrastructure, grid connections in #Germany, the latest #ElectrificationAcademy webinar & more in the July RAPPORT Europe from the Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP)   Check it out here:

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    🎤 Redefining Energy TECH - Ep31: Decarbonizing Tomorrow: Tackling Energy and Heating Challenges (1/2) #applepodcast #spotify In our latest episode, host Michael Barnard has the pleasure of speaking with Jan Rosenow, who shared incredible insights into energy policy and the critical steps needed for #decarbonization. Here’s a brief overview of the key takeaways: Jan, with his strong background in geosciences and energy policy, highlighted the pivotal role of energy in global carbon emissions. He elaborated on the Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP) mission to aid policymakers and regulators in designing more effective energy policies across the US, Europe, China, and India. We delved into RAP's diverse funding sources, including philanthropy, government contracts, and research grants. A significant portion of our discussion focused on the intricate landscape of EU policy-making. Jan explained the complexities arising from the EU's 27 member states and the collaborative roles of the European Commission, Parliament, and Council. He also touched on the influence of Germany and France on EU energy policies and the ongoing impact of the UK's exit from the EU. The conversation took an interesting turn as we explored the historical and current hype around #hydrogen as a decarbonization solution. Jan provided a critical analysis of hydrogen's realistic applications, the challenges it faces, and the institutional inertia that hampers policy innovation in this area. Finally, we addressed the crucial topic of decarbonizing building heat. With heating accounting for a significant portion of global carbon emissions, Jan emphasized the need to shift away from fossil fuels. We discussed promising alternatives like biomass, heat pumps, and district heating systems, while expressing skepticism about hydrogen’s viability as a heating solution. Tune in to gain a deeper understanding of these pressing energy issues and the paths we can take toward a sustainable future. Your feedback and thoughts are always welcome! 🌍💡 #energy #cleantech #future #investment #climateimpact #innovation #heat #commercial #residential #EnergyPolicy #Decarbonization #Sustainability #Hydrogen #RAP

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    Jan Rosenow Jan Rosenow is an Influencer

    Energy transition optimist │ Director, European Programmes at Regulatory Assistance Project │ Research Associate at Oxford and Cambridge Universities │ LinkedIn Top Voice │ FEI │ FRSA

    Just dropped: a great conversation with Michael Barnard at 🎙Redefining Energy. We spoke about what got me into energy, European policy making and decarbonisation of energy and especially heating. Listen in! Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP)

    ‎Redefining Energy - TECH: 31. Decarbonizing Tomorrow: Tackling Energy and Heating Challenges (1/2) on Apple Podcasts

    ‎Redefining Energy - TECH: 31. Decarbonizing Tomorrow: Tackling Energy and Heating Challenges (1/2) on Apple Podcasts

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