Clooney Foundation for Justice

Clooney Foundation for Justice

International Affairs

Waging justice

About us

The Clooney Foundation for Justice advocates for justice through accountability for human rights abuses around the world. We seek justice for victims of unfair trials. Our TrialWatch initiative monitors trials of journalists, women, LGBTQ persons, human rights defenders and minorities and advocates for those who are unjustly imprisoned. We seek justice for victims of mass atrocities. Our Docket program investigates grave human rights abuses to trigger trials against perpetrators. And we seek justice for victims of corruption through our partner The Sentry, which investigates corrupt networks behind grave human rights abuses to trigger financial penalties against perpetrators. Interested in joining our team? Review our current job opportunities at

International Affairs
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11-50 employees
New York
Human Rights, Rule of Law, and Justice


Employees at Clooney Foundation for Justice


  • Today, the Clooney Foundation for Justice, Legal Action Worldwide, and Truth Hounds filed a landmark complaint with the UN Human Rights Committee concerning a Russian missile attack on the Ukrainian city of Vinnytsia that killed 29 and injured over 200 people. We call on the Committee to bring justice to the victims' families and reaffirm the norm against aggression. "We hope that this innovative case will set a worldwide precedent, advance accountability for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and offer a measure of justice to the families of all those killed in aggressive war," said CFJ's Anna Neistat. Through extensive investigation and expert legal analysis, the organizations concluded that the Vinnytsia attack violated the victims’ right to life under the HRC’s General Comment 36, which states that any killings arising from an act of aggression—as defined by international law—constitute a violation of the victims’ right to life under the Covenant. This effort is the latest step in CFJ’s work to ensure justice and accountability for war crimes committed in Ukraine. Last week, CFJ and CEHRI filed a case with the Austrian federal prosecutor urging an investigation into sexual violence and murder committed by Russian forces in #Ukraine. *** Сьогодні, Clooney Foundation for Justice, Legal Action Worldwide (LAW) і Truth Hounds подали знакову скаргу до Комітету ООН з прав людини щодо обстрілу Росією Вінниці, внаслідок якого загинули 29 людей та понад 200 отримали поранення. Ми закликаємо Комітет забезпечити справедливість для сімей загиблих та підтвердити норму про неприпустимість агресії. "Ця новаторська справа створить світовий прецедент, сприятиме притягненню до відповідальності Росії за вторгнення в Україну та надасть певну справедливість сім'ям усіх, хто загинув в агресивній війні," заявила Аня Нейстат, юридична директорка ініціативи The Docket Фонду Клуні. Після ретельного розслідування та експертного юридичного аналізу організації дійшли висновку, що напад на Вінницю порушив право жертв на життя згідно з Загальним коментарем №36 Комітету ООН з прав людини, який стверджує, що будь-які вбивства, які сталися внаслідок акту агресії, як це визначено міжнародним правом, становлять порушення права постраждалих на життя згідно з Пактом. Це зусилля є черговим кроком у постійній роботі CFJ, спрямованій на забезпечення справедливості та відповідальності за воєнні злочини, скоєні в Україні. Минулого тижня CFJ та CEHRI подали справу до федерального прокурора Австрії з закликом розслідувати сексуальне насильство та вбивства, вчинені російськими військовими в Україні.

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  • The Clooney Foundation for Justice and the Center for the Enforcement of Human Rights International (CEHRI) filed a case with the Austrian federal prosecutor today urging an investigation into sexual violence and murder committed by Russian forces in #Ukraine. In this groundbreaking case, which targets both direct perpetrators and high-level commanders, CFJ and CEHRI represent two Ukrainian women who were raped by Russian soldiers during the full-scale invasion. Learn more here: CFJ’s Docket initiative has been documenting international crimes by Russian forces since the start of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. Last October, The Docket filed three cases with German prosecutors to investigate alleged war crimes in Ukraine.

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  • This week, Venezuelan survivors and families of victims testified in #Argentina against alleged perpetrators of crimes against humanity. With legal representation from the Clooney Foundation for Justice, they told their stories before a federal court for the first time in this groundbreaking case. In June 2023, CFJ’s The Docket team filed a complaint with over 15,000-page of evidence with Argentina’s federal justice system, detailing crimes against humanity by Venezuelan security forces. An Argentinian federal prosecutor soon launched an investigation. **** Esta semana, sobrevivientes venezolanos y familiares de víctimas declararon en Argentina contra presuntos perpetradores de crímenes de lesa humanidad. Tras la representación legal de la Fundación Clooney para la Justicia, contaron sus historias por primera vez ante un tribunal federal en este caso pionero. En junio de 2023, el equipo de The Docket de CFJ presentó una denuncia con más de 15.000 páginas de evidencia ante la justicia federal Argentina, detallando los crímenes de lesa humanidad cometidos por fuerzas de seguridad venezolanas. Un fiscal federal argentino inició rápidamente una investigación.

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  • Today marks the two-year anniversary of Theary Seng's conviction and six-year imprisonment on charges of treason and incitement. TrialWatch monitored the Cambodian-American lawyer’s trial and documented numerous rights violations, which were cited by the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention based on the petition filed by Jared GenserRobert F. Kennedy Human Rights, and Freedom House. Almost a year has passed since the Working Group called for Seng’s immediate and unconditional release. She remains in prison.

  • Indigenous rights activist Kenia Hernandez has been in prison in #Mexico for almost four years. Despite calls for her release by IM Defensoras , FIDH - International Federation for Human Rights and CIVICUS Monitor, she remains incarcerated. Her trial, riddled by irregularities and rights violations, was monitored by our #TrialWatch initiative, conducted in partnership with the American Bar Association Center for Human Rights. Hernández was convicted of aggravated robbery based on allegations that she robbed two people while participating in a demonstration at a toll booth. TrialWatch assigned the case a D grade. Read more here: We are deeply disturbed by recent news of an attack on Hernandez in prison. CDH Zeferino Ladrillero A.C announced that Hernandez was allegedly assaulted by another inmate. Her current state of well-being is unknown. ****** La activista de derechos indígenas Kenia Hernández está presa en #México desde hace casi cuatro años. A pesar de los llamados a su liberación por parte de IM Defensoras, FIDH - International Federation for Human Rights y CIVICUS Monitor, permanece encarcelada. Su juicio, plagado de irregularidades y violaciones de derechos, fue supervisado por nuestra iniciativa #TrialWatch, llevada a cabo en colaboración con el Centro de Derechos Humanos de la American Bar Association. Hernández fue condenada por robo agravado basándose en acusaciones de que robó a dos personas mientras participaba en una manifestación en una cabina de peaje. TrialWatch asignó al caso una calificación de D. Más información: Estamos profundamente perturbados por las recientes noticias de un ataque a Hernández en prisión. El CDH Zeferino Ladrillero A.C anunció que Hernández fue presuntamente agredido por otro preso. Se desconoce su estado de salud actual. (📸REUTERS/Carlos Tischler)

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  • "Without TrialWatch, I don’t think I’ll be seeing my father today,” shares Carine Kanimba, activist and daughter of Paul Rusesabagina, whose actions during the Rwandan genocide inspired the Oscar-nominated film ‘Hotel Rwanda.’ In August 2020, Rusesabagina boarded a plane he believed to be destined for Burundi and reappeared in #Rwanda, where he was sentenced to 25 years in prison after a trial on terrorism charges. #TrialWatch produced three reports on Rusesabagina’s trial, uncovering serious flaws and rights violations. He was finally freed on March 24, 2023.

  • In #Kazakhstan #TrialWatch and Covington & Burling LLP have taken the case of activist Marat Zhylanbaev to the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention. He had received a harsh 7-year prison sentence for peaceful opposition. His only 'crime' was seeking to lead his own political party. The submission urges the Working Group to address not just Zhylanbaev’s case but also Kazakhstan’s broader weaponization of extremism laws against political opposition. TrialWatch has monitored several other cases in which Kazakhstan has used extremism laws to silence dissent. Zhylanbaev’s prosecution belies President Tokayev's pledge to create a democratic ‘new Kazakhstan’. As a crucial first step in truly turning the page, Kazakhstan should overturn Zhylanbaev’s conviction and release him from jail. hashtag #JusticeForZhylanbaev ****** В #Казахстане #TrialWatch и Covington & Burling LLP передали дело активиста Марата Жыланбаева в Рабочую группу ООН по произвольным задержаниям. Он был сурово приговорен к 7 годам лишения свободы за мирную оппозицию. Единственным его «преступлением» было стремление возглавить собственную политическую партию. В документе содержится призыв к Рабочей группе ООН рассмотреть не только дело Жыланбаева, но и более широкое применение Казахстаном законов об экстремизме против политической оппозиции. TrialWatch отслеживает несколько других случаев, когда Казахстан использовал законы об экстремизме для подавления инакомыслия. Преследование Жыланбаева противоречит обещанию президента Токаева создать демократический «новый Казахстан». В качестве первого важного шага к истинным переменам Казахстану следует отменить приговор Жыланбаеву и освободить его. hashtag #JusticeForZhylanbaev

    TrialWatch and Covington Challenge Kazakh Opposition Figure’s Conviction in Petition to UN : Clooney Foundation for Justice

    TrialWatch and Covington Challenge Kazakh Opposition Figure’s Conviction in Petition to UN : Clooney Foundation for Justice

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