Legal Action Worldwide (LAW)

Legal Action Worldwide (LAW)


Genève, Genève 7.396 Follower:innen

Dignity. Accountability. Justice. No matter who, where or when.


LAW is an independent non-profit organisation comprised of human rights lawyers and jurists working in fragile and conflict-affected areas in Africa, the Middle East and South Asia. LAW provides legal information, assistance and representations to victims and communities affected by human rights violations and abuses. LAW's thematic focus is on gender-based violence and gender equality, accountability and rule of law, and transitional or transformative justice. LAW approaches these thematic areas through four mutually reinforcing pillars: legal aid and empowerment, strategic litigation, advocacy, and technical assistance. LAW’s work has been featured in numerous international and national media outlets including the Guardian; The Times (London); NY Times; Huffington Post; Voice of America; Foreign Policy as well as numerous UN reports and Women Under Siege.

11–50 Beschäftigte
Genève, Genève
Strategic Casework: civil litigation, supporting criminal prosecutions, UN complaints or OECD complaints., Advocacy and Research: including high-level panels and production of reports with practical and implementable recommendations., Legal Assistance and Empowerment: to increase rights awareness and knowledge of legal avenues for redress und Technical Assistance: Where possible, LAW provide capacity building and support to state, judicial and legal institutions


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    Rue de Varembé 3 CH- 1202

    Genève, Genève 1202, CH

  • 180 North Gower Street London NW1 2NB, United Kingdom

    London, London NW1 2NB, GB


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  • Legal Action Worldwide (LAW) hat dies direkt geteilt

    Unternehmensseite von Asia Justice Coalition anzeigen, Grafik

    3.347 Follower:innen

    Asia Justice Coalition member Legal Action Worldwide (LAW) has published a five-video series to understand the ongoing #internationaljustice and #accountability mechanisms concerning the #Rohingya. These videos provide simplified information on the ongoing cases before different international courts and how the Rohingya can participate in these processes. The videos are available in the #Rohingyalanguage. Watch the videos below!

  • Unternehmensseite von Legal Action Worldwide (LAW) anzeigen, Grafik

    7.396 Follower:innen

    ⚖️ 🌏🌍🌎 On #InternationalJusticeDay, July 17th, Legal Action Worldwide (LAW) publishes the “Policy on Slavery Crimes: Legal Action Worldwide Submission to the Office of The Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court.” This document emphasizes our firm commitment to justice and support for survivors of slavery crimes worldwide. Our policy advocates for a survivor-centered, trauma-informed, and intersectional approach to prosecuting these crimes. It emphasizes inclusivity, ensuring that all affected by slavery, human trafficking, and sexual exploitation have a voice in legal proceedings. We call for robust support services and protective measures that respect survivors' dignity and rights throughout the legal process. Additionally, our policy supports the criminalization of slave trading under the Rome Statute and urges the use of existing legal frameworks to combat impunity effectively. We highlight the importance of prosecuting slave trading as an "other inhumane act," recognizing its severe impact on victims' physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Positive complementarity is key to our approach, promoting collaboration between the International Criminal Court (ICC) and national jurisdictions to enhance prosecutions of slavery crimes. Our initiatives challenging the Kafala System in Lebanon exemplify our dedication to supporting domestic efforts in this regard. As we commemorate International Justice Day, LAW reaffirms its commitment to strengthening international criminal justice mechanisms and ensuring accountability for slavery crimes. Read the full policy brief ( #InternationalJusticeDay #HumanRights #EndSlavery #LegalActionWorldwide #ICC #JusticeForAll

    Policy on Slavery Crimes: Legal Action Worldwide Submission to the Office of The Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court

    Policy on Slavery Crimes: Legal Action Worldwide Submission to the Office of The Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court

  • Legal Action Worldwide (LAW) hat dies direkt geteilt

    Recently, the "JurFem" team and invited specialists participated in a joint training organized by our partner organization "Legal Action Worldwide (LAW)" and the center "JurFem: Education". The event was devoted to the topic “Using international mechanisms to advance justice for Ukrainian survivors”. During the training, we talked, in particular, about the following issues: 🔹Introduction to universal jurisdiction (UJ) 🔸Evidence management and cooperation with national prosecutors 🔹Impact of UJ cases on national and international proceedings  🔸Gender-based crimes at the ICC  🔹Proving sexual and gender-based crimes The training's experts were: Daniil Ukhorskiy (LAW), Irisa Cerva and Davorka Radalj (Atrocity Crimes Advisory Group (ACA)), Solomiia Stasiv (Clooney Foundation for Justice (CFJ)), Niamh Hayes (ICC Office of the Prosecutor) and Yuliia Nuzban (ICC Office of the Prosecutor). The principle of universal jurisdiction allows the authorities of any country to open criminal proceedings regarding, for example, war crimes, even if there is no direct connection between these crimes and the state. The idea of universal jurisdiction arises from the fact that these crimes are so serious that they are considered an attack not only on one country, but also on the entire world community. ✔️By the way, more about such a universal jurisdiction, how it correlates with the national legislation of Ukraine, and the procedure for bringing criminals to justice in other states can be viewed on the webinar (ukr): ℹ️ “Legal Action Worldwide” (LAW) is an independent non-profit organisation comprised of human rights lawyers and jurists working in fragile and conflict affected areas. LAW cooperates with JurFem in monitoring domestic war crimes trials and file amicus curiae to promote survivor-centred justice processes in Ukraine.

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  • Legal Action Worldwide (LAW) hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Anna Neistat anzeigen, Grafik

    Legal Director, Clooney Foundation for Justice, The Docket Chair of the Board, Crisis Action

    Exactly 2 years ago Russian Kalibr missiles hit the center of Vinnytsia, a city in central Ukraine, killing 29 people and injuring over 200. I was there just a few days after, investigating - and determined to bring justice to the families who lost their loved ones. But legally, the case proved harder than we thought. We found a way though - this week, together with Legal Action Worldwide (LAW) and Truth Hounds we filed a groundbreaking complaint with the UN Human Rights Committee arguing that Russia's attack violated the right to life of all victims - both civilian and military. #Ukraine #InternationalJustice #Russia

    NGOs file landmark complaint to UN Human Rights Committee on Russian aggression in Ukraine : Clooney Foundation for Justice

    NGOs file landmark complaint to UN Human Rights Committee on Russian aggression in Ukraine : Clooney Foundation for Justice

  • Unternehmensseite von Legal Action Worldwide (LAW) anzeigen, Grafik

    7.396 Follower:innen

    🇱🇧📢 PRESS RELEASE Beirut, 11 July 2024:  Enslaved Migrant Worker Is Denied Her Right To Testify Today, an investigative judge in #Beirut has rejected the right of MH, the victim in the landmark slavery case challenging the Kafala system in #Lebanon, to participate in court proceedings. MH requested reasonable time to return to Lebanon while she cared for her sick mother and to make complex travel arrangements to return from Ethiopia. The judge disagreed with the justifications provided and closed the investigation phase of the case without hearing from its essential witness. MH will appeal the decision, demanding that the investigative judge’s decision be overturned and a new hearing date set. Refusing the victim’s participation is an egregious miscarriage of #justice, not only for MH, but for the hundreds of thousands of migrant workers living under the oppressive conditions that characterise the Kafala system. 👉🏽📄 To read and download the full press release:

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    Profil von Peninah Kimíri anzeigen, Grafik

    GBV Specialist | Co-Founder | Back’d Cofounder

    Prepared by Legal Action Worldwide (LAW) and  Syrian Centre for Legal Studies and Research (SCLSR) this report is based on the testimonies of 69 former detainees (33 males, 36 females, including 3 children) who spent a combined total of over 41 years in detention. The investigation team conducted interviews between March 2021 and January 2024, providing support services to survivors who requested them. While people of all genders are victims of torture, gender discrimination deeply influences their treatment. Understanding this role of gender discrimination helps systematically analyze and indict the Syrian government’s actions. #gender #GBV #genderequality

  • Unternehmensseite von Legal Action Worldwide (LAW) anzeigen, Grafik

    7.396 Follower:innen

    📢 Today, Clooney Foundation for Justice, Legal Action Worldwide (LAW) and Truth Hounds filed a landmark complaint with the UN Human Rights Committee concerning a Russian missile attack on the Ukrainian city of Vinnytsia that killed 29 and injured over 200 people. 👇🏽

    Unternehmensseite von Clooney Foundation for Justice anzeigen, Grafik

    30.283 Follower:innen

    Today, the Clooney Foundation for Justice, Legal Action Worldwide, and Truth Hounds filed a landmark complaint with the UN Human Rights Committee concerning a Russian missile attack on the Ukrainian city of Vinnytsia that killed 29 and injured over 200 people. We call on the Committee to bring justice to the victims' families and reaffirm the norm against aggression. "We hope that this innovative case will set a worldwide precedent, advance accountability for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and offer a measure of justice to the families of all those killed in aggressive war," said CFJ's Anna Neistat. Through extensive investigation and expert legal analysis, the organizations concluded that the Vinnytsia attack violated the victims’ right to life under the HRC’s General Comment 36, which states that any killings arising from an act of aggression—as defined by international law—constitute a violation of the victims’ right to life under the Covenant. This effort is the latest step in CFJ’s work to ensure justice and accountability for war crimes committed in Ukraine. Last week, CFJ and CEHRI filed a case with the Austrian federal prosecutor urging an investigation into sexual violence and murder committed by Russian forces in #Ukraine. *** Сьогодні, Clooney Foundation for Justice, Legal Action Worldwide (LAW) і Truth Hounds подали знакову скаргу до Комітету ООН з прав людини щодо обстрілу Росією Вінниці, внаслідок якого загинули 29 людей та понад 200 отримали поранення. Ми закликаємо Комітет забезпечити справедливість для сімей загиблих та підтвердити норму про неприпустимість агресії. "Ця новаторська справа створить світовий прецедент, сприятиме притягненню до відповідальності Росії за вторгнення в Україну та надасть певну справедливість сім'ям усіх, хто загинув в агресивній війні," заявила Аня Нейстат, юридична директорка ініціативи The Docket Фонду Клуні. Після ретельного розслідування та експертного юридичного аналізу організації дійшли висновку, що напад на Вінницю порушив право жертв на життя згідно з Загальним коментарем №36 Комітету ООН з прав людини, який стверджує, що будь-які вбивства, які сталися внаслідок акту агресії, як це визначено міжнародним правом, становлять порушення права постраждалих на життя згідно з Пактом. Це зусилля є черговим кроком у постійній роботі CFJ, спрямованій на забезпечення справедливості та відповідальності за воєнні злочини, скоєні в Україні. Минулого тижня CFJ та CEHRI подали справу до федерального прокурора Австрії з закликом розслідувати сексуальне насильство та вбивства, вчинені російськими військовими в Україні.

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