We’re Number 1!

Some things the US is number 1 in, listed in no particular order, according to the American Economy Profile at NationMaster.com:


  • Animal oil/fat
  • Cotton
  • Ferrous waste scrap
  • Arms and Ammunition
  • Hide skin (not fur)
  • Gold (nonmonetary, excluding ore)
  • Oil seeds
  • Printed Matter
  • Manufactured fertilizers
  • Art collection/antiques
  • Beef: fresh/chilled/frozen
  • Steam generating boilers
  • Medical and other electric diagnostic equipment also medical instruments
  • Wood in rough squared


  • Aircraft
  • Spacecraft
  • Alcoholic Beverages
  • Cocoa
  • Jewelry
  • Crustaceans and Mollusks

In sum, we send out big animals and small machines, and take in small animals and big machines. When it comes to guns we can’t quite make up our minds: turns out we’re both the biggest importer and the biggest exporter of arms and ammunition. #1 going and coming! And 3rd in cutlery exports.


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