Central Texas nonprofit with focus on alleviating hunger celebrates turning 48 years old

Published: Apr. 24, 2024 at 5:42 PM CDT

WACO, Texas (KWTX) - A local nonprofit with a mission to alleviate hunger through education, research and sustainable agriculture is turning 48 this week.

World Hunger Relief Institute’s Executive Director Katie Walter said a nonprofit like theirs surviving in a community a few years would be an accomplishment but half a century is almost unheard of.

“Believe it or not, especially for a farm being 48 years old and still producing for the community and providing food for our community and education to be able to do that in a few years is amazing but especially over 48 years,” Walter said.

The institute said hunger is an issue facing Central Texas in ways many don’t realize.

“One thing that really blew my mind stepping into this role is we throw away over 40 percent of our food yet one in every four kiddos in McLennan County is struggling with food insecurities,” Walter said.

The institute envisions a robust, resilient and regenerative food system that prioritizes local agriculture production, equitable access to healthy food and ecological sustainability.

“We are a 40-acre educational farm, and we do everything from teaching kiddos through summer farm camp how to get their hands dirty in the dirt all the way to selling produce at our farmer’s market,” Walter said.

The farm has sheep, ducks, bees, chickens - to name a few - and all kinds of produce.

The nonprofit works to educate others on how to grow local food and be a responsible consumer.

The nonprofit is marking their 48th birthday by holding a birthday bash this Saturday at the downtown Waco Downtown Farmers Market from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

They will have two booths which will include the regular farm fresh produce and a second one with kids’ crafts and giveaways.

The nonprofit is also planning a fundraiser at Milo near downtown Waco on November 7.