Be Remarkable - A Look Back at 2023

Pete Sousa takes us on a look back at 2023 for Be Remarkable.
Published: Jan. 1, 2024 at 7:28 PM CST

Pete Sousa takes us on a look back at 2023 for Be Remarkable.

Over the course of 2023, remarkable people in communities in Central Texas have stepped up.

“I see the need and I just do it. And sometimes it’s hard. Sometimes he knows, it’s hard. Sometimes I want to give up, but I can’t because I know they need me.”

They have made a unique difference in their area.

“She’s literally my role model, like she’s been with me since day one.”

Lo and behold, they become winners of the Be Remarkable Award,

“We want to just make a donation in your honor and your name for $500.”

The Daniel Stark, KWTX Be Remarkable Award donates $500 to people in Central Texas.

“We just want to donate to your cause.”

Who are stepping up and going above and beyond.

“Oh, my God. Thank you so much.”

“The law firm donates $500 to you so that you can keep doing what you’re doing.”, Danny Daniel, Daniel Stark Injury Lawyers.

When they make a difference in their community.

“That’s just that’s just what I was born for.”

It moves all of us to make a difference in our community.

“More than anything is empowering the mom’s so that they continue to motivate and empower their kids.”

“As part of the program, we donate $500 to you to help you. Further all that effort.”, Danny Daniel, Daniel & Stark Injury Lawyers.

“Such a wonderful thing to connect with other volunteers. Some of the greatest people you ever meet is people that want to volunteer their time and serve”

“And that just makes to me teaching so much more valuable is that I’m in the community that I serve.”

“For 12 years, I gave out 100 every Christmas.”

And thanks to Daniel Stark, they are rewarded.

“Every week we give away some money to somebody who’s a remarkable person, so that’s, you know, this week, that’s you.”, Danny Daniel, Daniel Stark Injury Lawyers.

If you know a remarkable person. Nominate them at