Widowed wonder woman carries out legacy of late husband

This week’s Be Remarkable takes us out to Waco, where a recently widowed wonder woman carries out the legacy of her late husband through incredible acts of serv
Published: Mar. 20, 2023 at 9:55 AM CDT

WACO, Texas - This week’s Be Remarkable takes us out to Waco, where a recently widowed wonder woman carries out the legacy of her late husband through incredible acts of service.

Annette Florio nominated Annette Sanchez and has had the pleasure of feeling her servant’s heart beat for years now.

Florio says she’s blown away by Anette’s work as a volunteer at Calvary Baptist Church, her service at a local daycare, but most importantly, her role taking care of her family.

“She’s constantly helping her mother and her brother, who are special needs. She’s always running around helping everybody. She takes care of our children here, she takes care of the children at the daycare that she works at, she just always gives” Annette Florio, Nominator.

She’s also constantly honoring the memory of her late husband Ernest, a revered reverend, coach and educator in central Texas for more than three decades.

Ernest had to be smiling, looking down on his wife, as she was blessed with this much deserved honor from Danny Daniel and the good folks at Daniel Stark Injury Lawyers

Overcome with emotion, Annette was mostly speechless but found a few words to describe the feeling.

“Joy, happy, surprised!” Annette Sanchez, Be Remarkable Winner

But she could say absolutely nothing when she was handed the $500 reward, courtesy of Daniel Stark.

A celebration of a remarkable woman, where a remarkable moment may have very well been sent from on high.

If you know of a Remarkable person, nominate them at www.kwtx.com/BeRemarkable.