A savior with a servant’s heart helps keep kids Un-Included.

This week's Be Remarkable takes us out to Temple where we meet a savior with a servant's heart.
Published: Jan. 13, 2023 at 9:05 AM CST

TEMPLE, Texas - This week’s Be Remarkable takes us out to Temple where we meet a savior with a servant’s heart.

This week’s winner Doree Collins teamed up with her nominator Garfield Hawk more than eight years ago, breathing life into his non-profit Un-Included.

The mission of the group is to keep kids un-included from illiteracy, childhood obesity and giving up.

Doree has helped fulfill that mission with programs that center around healthy growing, sustainable living, leadership development and literacy programs.

“It’s intense, it’s intentional, and Mr. Garfield, I’m grateful for him to allowing me to come in to Unincluded club and allowing me to do my thing,” Doree Collins, Be Remarkable Winner

Un-Included had been around for eight years but had fallen on hard times and Garfield said he was close to closing up shop.

But by that time, Doree had noticed the good he was doing and asked if she could join him on his mission.

“How long did you have to think about that, maybe half a milli-second?” Danny Daniel, Daniel and Stark Injury Lawyers

So Doree resigned from a full-time job with the blessing of her husband and that’s when she started on her path doing God’s work.

“When I came on, there was like this huge mission and I was like...I need to focus...” Doree Collins

That focus has helped the non-profit take flight through spreading the wings of local kids just looking for a chance.

And for that, she gets a visit from Danny Daniel and a $500 reward for being remarkable.

“Thank you...Thank you....” Doree Collins

And if you want to get involved in Un-Included - check out their Facebook page at “Unincluded Club.”

If you know of a Remarkable person, nominate them at www.kwtx.com/BeRemarkable.