A Warm Soul Supports Those Who Serve Through Horse Therapy

This week's Be Remarkable rides out to Belton, where a warm soul is supporting army personnel and first responders through a unique brand of horse therapy.
Published: Dec. 19, 2022 at 3:50 PM CST

BELTON, Texas - This week’s Be Remarkable rides out to Belton, where a warm soul is supporting army personnel and first responders through a unique brand of horse therapy.

“Hi, welcome to the ranch!” Tiffany Zeitouni, Be Remarkable Winner

Tiffan Zeitouni runs Hoofbeats for Heros on Fort Hood, where the mission is to provide relaxation and healing for folks who’ve been exposed to PTSD.

“I’m going to get teary-eyed just talking about it. My dad is the reason I started all of this....he battles PTSD. He’s from the military, he was in the air force,” Tiffany Zeitouni.

Tiffany’s dad also served 25 years for the Reisel Fire Department. After seeing the toll it all took on him, she always knew she’d do something if the opportunity presented itself.

And then she found Bola Ranch.

“This is kind of our little piece of heaven. We’ve been sharing it with the community and today we’ve actually been lucky enough to share it with our military,” Tiffany Zeitouni.

And this little piece of heaven has become sanctuary for military and first responders who are working to recover from some of the wounds people can’t see with their eyes.

“I wanted to design a place where everyone is welcome. It doesn’t matter what your past is, it doesn’t matter what rank you are, it doesn’t matter where you are that day, if you’re battling something, we want you to come here

This place allows people to rebuild their foundation and helps with resilience...and that’s something that Ft Hood needs,” Tiffany Zeitouni

Darrell Smith saw what Tiffany was doing and nominated her for the award.

“I know the type of person she is and everything she stands for and everything she does out here. If anyone deserves it, it’s her,” Darrell Smith, Nominator.

If you want to know more about Tiffany’s cause, visit hoofbeatsforheroes.com.

If you know a “Remarkable Person”, nominate them at kwtx.com/beremarkable