From the Ground Up: Which pork cuts present the greatest value

KBTX Brazos Valley This Morning(Recurring)
Published: Feb. 29, 2024 at 5:22 PM CST

BRYAN, Texas (KBTX) - Pork is a staple at the grocery story and Iowa State professor Jodi Sterle breaks down what the supply and demand looks like.

In terms of pork demand, bacon seems to be the slam-dunk cut.

“We only get two sides or two bellies from each live hog, so we value the bacon,” she said. “Bacon used to be center of the plate, more of an entre, but now, it’s more of a condiment. We put it on everything, and we appreciate that.”

So, which cut of pork is the best value, according to Dr. Sterle?

“Loins are actually a loss leader for us,” she said. “So, we’ll see those pretty cheap most of the time. I often, when talking to consumer groups, explain to them that this is a huge value in the grocery store. It’s high-quality, easily digestible protein. It’s easy to fix. People just don’t often think about that.”

Also, some cuts are seasonal, think of a tender loin at Christmas dinner or barbecue on the 4th of July.

“Pork shoulder used to be our lower quality cuts but today, with things like pulled pork being very popular – especially in the summertime, especially in certain parts of the country – that has been very good to us, as well.”

No matter the cut, she says the pork industry works to not waste any part of these animals

“We use every part of the pig,” she stressed. “There’s a saying in the industry: ‘Everything but the oink,’ right? So, even though we’ve talked about all the major muscle cuts, every part of the pig gets used in some way, shape or form. That’s true in the beef cattle industry, as well. And, so, we are definitely the true recyclers of the agriculture industry.”