
The Palestinians are an Arab national group from the Southern Levant, predominantly the modern State of Israel.

Palestinians are predominantly Sunni Muslims, thought there are a minority of Christian and Shia Palestinians, as well as Druze and Samaritians that identify as Palestinian. There is dispute about when the Palestinian identity coalesced, be it in the post- or pre-war periods, and if it was an internal development or in direct response to the zionist movement.

The war that established Israel between Jewish and Arab forces resulted in a mass displacement of Palestinian Arabs. There is a significant diaspora of Palesitnians, especially in neighbouring Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon. 20% of Israeli citizens are Arabs, of which many also identify as Palestinian. Many Diaspora Palesitnians, as well as those from families displaced from beyond the 1948 armistice lines, identify as refugees.

Many Palestinian political movements lay claim to all the land of Israel as the future Palestinian state. The Palestinian Authority is one of the pirmary bodies that governs the Palestinians, with varying degrees of control in the West Bank. Palestinians have autonomy in Gaza, which is under the rule of Hamas.

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Palestine Olympic Committee calls to ban Israel from competing in 2024 games

Despite criticisms by Palestinian groups, the International Olympic Committee is unlikely to alter Israel's competition status or support an outright ban.


Netanyahu accused of halting plans for creating field hospital to treat sick Gazan children

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant had proposed the creation of a field hospital as a temporary solution to treat Gazan children sick with conditions such as cancer, diabetes, and orthopedic injuries.

Comedian books room for Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar in prank call to Qatar hotel

Tsabari said the reservation must be secret so the Palestinian people would not know that the “Palestinian leader is enjoying himself in a hotel while the Palestinian people are suffering."

EU imposes sanctions on five Israeli individuals and three entities

The EU sanctioned five Israelis and three entities for human rights abuses against Palestinians, including Tzav 9, Ben-Zion Gopstein, and Isaschar Manne.


Palestinian destruction of Jewish archaeological sites must be halted

Preservation and protection is a necessity so that something of biblical heritage remains for future generations. So that the land of the Bible is not erased by Palestinian aggression and denialism.

Independent, non-partisan governance: Some Hamas officials speak of ceasing rule over Gaza post-war

Hamas officials have raised in recent days the notion of independent, non-partisan bodies taking over governing the Gaza Strip and West Bank following the Israel-Hamas war.

UN humanitarian coordinator reports of 'groups of men with sticks' waiting to loot aid trucks

"What Mr. Hadi told us is that he saw firsthand the consequences of the breakdown in public order and safety, as he entered and exited Gaza through the Kerem Shalom crossing," Stéphane Dujarric said.

One in four Palestinians wanted to leave West Bank, Gaza before war

Young Palestinians are likely to want to emigrate from Gaza and the West Bank to seek better economies in Turkey, Germany and Canada.

Palestinian terrorist arsons have been ignored and must be stopped

The reality of Palestinian terrorist violence and belligerence does not stand a chance of grabbing anybody’s attention in Tel Aviv, Washington, or Brussels.

It's past time for Israel to administer a new civilian entity in Gaza

We have wasted enough time. The Israeli government should have decided on its day after plans six months ago.

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