Jewish faith

Maintaining our humanity during a war for our survival

Make sure to first sympathize with human suffering. Compassion and sympathy must always precede ideology. 

Angel of death and signs of hope, Israel's dichotomy - opinion

In the Jewish nation, horror and hope go hand in hand. As we move to Remembrance Day and Independence Day, we must hold space for pain, but not lose sight of celebration.


No atheists in a foxhole: Turning to God during hardship

The adage, “There are no atheists in a foxhole” encapsulates this phenomenon, suggesting that in moments of peril, belief in a higher power surges, becoming a beacon of solace and hope.


My family's Jewish day school story

I knew I wanted my children to have more Jewish education than I had; to have friends who could play with them on Shabbat to make it more fun; and to know all of the stories that make our heritage.


'Shema Yisrael' symbolizes the unity of the Jewish people

For me, those words signify the unity of the Jewish People, binding us together through thick and thin.

Torah scroll.

Does the Torah have multiple authors? - opinion

In the modern epoch, academic study of the Hebrew Bible attributes conflicting texts in the Torah to different human sources.

 Staircase (Illustrative)

Israel-Hamas War: How to maintain faith in trying times

Faith is an indefinable emotion. It doesn’t remove pain, but it can help you endure it.

Hanukkah: The great light of the small jug

The Maccabees understood the message: Yes, pure oil, even in small quantities, can illuminate much more than meets the eye.

Jewish history is predetermined: We know how it ends, just not when - opinion

Taking the long view of Jewish history mustn’t distract us from present and immediate challenges, but it should provide optimism even during dark moments. 

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