Student stock videos and footage

iStock’s video librar contains almost 2.5 million student stock videos. Our easy-to-search collection includes stock videos of student tutorial groups videos of medical students on their rounds videos of students with laptops and books and closeups of students writing notes. You can also find videos of mature students and videos of students out on placements as well as in lecture halls.

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Cute Hispanic middle school student is tutoring a young African American female elementary student in the computer lab or library of their STEM school. The Hispanic girl points at the screen as she explains the information. She also shows the younger student the keys on the keyboard. The younger girl types and then points at the computer monitor. Students are working on computers in the background. Books are on bookshelves in the background. A handheld camera focuses on the students.

A handheld wide shot of a group of students and their teacher gathered around tables in a technology classroom. They are all wearing casual clothing and are situated in a secondary school in Gateshead, England.

Close up stock image of a bearded young man working at a computer screen. He’s working on CAD software looking at the design of a solar panel array in CAD with data.

Medium view of primary school students sitting in a classroom being taught by a teacher in the North East of England. The students are answering questions with their arms in the air while the teacher gestures to them.

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