About Us- Dr. Greenberg Naturopathic Doctor

dr julie greenberg dermatologist

Dr. Julie Greenberg, ND

Dr. Greenberg is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor (ND) and Registered Herbalist RH(AHG) who specializes in integrative dermatology. She is passionate about natural skin care and believes that many of today’s chronic skin diseases can be healed by using evidence-based alternative treatments.

Dr. Greenberg’s health journey took her from a career in business to becoming a health care warrior. She received a BA in Economics from Northwestern University and an MBA from Stanford University and had a successful career in finance. But a diagnosis of Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism made her rethink everything she knew about health. A leading endocrinologist wrote her a prescription and told her that there was nothing more they could do for her.

So, Dr. Greenberg got to work researching. She learned that women put an average of 125 chemicals on their skin every day through personal care products, and that many of these chemicals are endocrine disrupters and toxins. She started studying and making her own skin care products and saw the healing power of herbs and plants first hand. She decided to dedicate her life to her passion, and attended Bastyr’s four-year naturopathic medical school. While there she received advanced clinical training with leading experts in dermatology at the University of Washington Medical School and Seattle Children’s Hospital. Dr. Greenberg practices functional medicine and is an expert herbalist. She is dedicated to using science-based research to find better solutions for our skin care diseases.


Licensed Naturopathic Doctor in California

Licensed Naturopathic Physician in Washington

Licensed Naturopathic Physician in Oregon

CNDA - California Naturopathic Doctors Association, member

WANP- Washington Association of Naturopathic Physicians, member

OANP- Oregon Association of Naturopathic Physicians, member

AANP - American Association of Naturopathic Physicians, member

IFM - Institute for Functional Medicine, member and completed Foundation Training

AHG - American Herbalists Guild, Registered Herbalist (RH) member

Certified Mold-Literate Doctor: American Academy for Environmental Medicine (AAEM), and Dr. Jill Crista ND Mold Illness in Patients


ND, Bastyr University

MBA, Stanford University

BA, Northwestern University, Phi Beta Kappa, magna cum laude

Listen to Dr. Greenberg on a Podcast

Speaking Engagements

  • Bastyr University:
    • 2019-2023: Dermatology Guest Lecturer at Bastyr Kenmore & Bastyr San Diego campuses
    • Lecturer in Grand Rounds to 4th year medical students Bastyr San Diego campus
  • National University of Natural Medicine (NUNM)
    • 2022 Guest Lecturer in Grand Rounds to 4th year medical student
    • Speaker 2022 Naturopathic Women's Health Conference
  • Integrative Health Symposium (IHS) 2023
    • Speaker 2023 "The Gut-Skin Connection: Analyzing Stool Tests and OATs to Treat Derm Patients
  • A4M Spring Congress 2023
    • Speaker 2023 "The Gut-Skin Connection: Analyzing Stool Tests and OATs to Treat Psoraisis
  • LearnSkin Integrative Dermatology Certificate Program (IDCP) Program
    • Faculty for IDCP: 9-month CME intensive for dermatologists
  • American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (AANP) National Convention 2020 & 2021:
    • Speaker 2020 "What’s New in Integrative Dermatology: Pharmaceuticals, Supplements & Botanicals for Eczema and Psoriasis"
    • Speaker 2021 "The Gut-Skin Connection: Analyzing Stool Tests and OATs to Treat Derm Patients"
  • IWHIM (Institute of Women's Health & Integrative Medicine)
    • Speaker: 2023 Special Topics in Women's Health & Chidlren's Health Conference
  • NHAND (New Hampshire Association of Naturopathic Doctors) Winter Meeting
    • Speaker 2023: Acne and the Gut Microbiome
  • Integrative Dermatology Symposium (IDS) 2020 & 2021:
    • Speaker 2020 "Using Botanical Medicine in Dermatology: What’s the Evidence?"
    • Speaker 2021 "Yeasty Beasty! Malassezia in Skin Disease & an Integrative Approach to Treatment"
  • Washington Association of Naturopathic Physicians (WANP) Annual Conference 2020 & 2023:
    • Speaker 2020 "Dermatology for the Naturopathic Doctor: Acne & Rosacea"
    • Speaker 2023 "Addressing the Root Cause of Eczema"
  • Gastroenterology Association of Naturopathic Physicians (GastroANP) Annual Conference 2020 & 2021:
    • Speaker "Treating Chronic Derm Problems by Treating the Gut" 2020
    • Mold and GI Tract: Break out Group Leader 2021
  • National Association of Nutrition Professionals (NANP) Annual Conference 2021 & 2022
    • Speaker HealCon 2022: Diet & Dermatology: What to Eat (and Not to Eat) for Acne, Eczema, Psoriasis, Rosacea, and Wrinkles
    • Speaker HealCon 2021: Analyzing Stool Tests and OATs to Treat Derm Patients
  • Food As Medicine Symposium 2021:
    • Speaker "Diet & Dermatology: The Role of Diet in Skin Disease"
  • AIHM (Academy of Integrative Health & Medicine) Annual Conference 2021:
    • Speaker "The Gut-Skin Connection: How Gut Dysbiosis Causes Skin Disease"
  • California Naturopathic Doctors Association (CNDA):
    • Speaker "CNDA 2022 Annual Conference Holistic Human: Advances in Naturopathic Primary Care" Topics: Eczema & Psoriasis
    • Speaker "2021 Webinar, Updates in Dermatology: Treating Hair Loss"

What is Naturopathic Medicine?

If you are already familiar with Integrative Medicine or Functional Medicine, then you already have a sense of what Naturopathic Medicine is. If not, integrative medicine and functional medicine are programs and ways of practicing more holistic natural-based medicine, but training is done after graduating from conventional medical school where the emphasis is on pharmaceutical prescriptions.

Naturopathic doctors (NDs) attend four-year accredited medical schools with rigorous scientific and clinical training that is dedicated to holistic medicine. NDs graduate from Bastyr’s medical program having extensively studied conventional treatments (pharmaceuticals) as well as complementary and alternative modalities (nutrition, herbal medicine, supplements, hydrotherapy). They are guided by the six principles of naturopathic medicine and the therapeutic order (the order in which we look at which treatments and therapies we will use to heal a patient).

What is Naturopathic Medicine?

The six principles of naturopathic medicine

1 The healing power of nature - trust in the body’s ability to heal itself

2 Identify and treat the cause - don’t just treat symptoms, find the root cause

3 First do no harm - use the least toxic and most natural treatments possible

4 Doctor as teacher - teach your patients about how to take control of their health

5 Treat the whole person - the body is interconnected and disease is not sequestered in one part of the body, therefore whole body must be treated

6 Prevention - disease prevention is a primary goal

The therapeutic order of naturopathic medicine

(The order in which we look at which treatments and therapies we will use to treat a patient)


Establish the foundations for optimal health:

Remove obstacles to cure, assess nutrition, exercise, sleep, access to nature and social support


Stimulate the self-healing mechanisms:

Utilize the body’s inherent ability to heal


Support & restore weakened body systems:

Aid damaged organ systems to heal


Address physical alignment:

Restore structural integrity


Natural symptom control:

Use natural substances, such as herbs and supplements, to palliate symptoms


Synthetic symptom relief:

Use drugs, such as pharmaceuticals, to palliate symptoms


High force interventions:

Use modalities such as surgery or chemotherapy to suppress a pathology

The therapeutic order of naturopathic medicine

Contact Us

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11755 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1250
Los Angeles, CA 90025