Tommy Conlon: Tale of two sheds reveals a filthy truth – we must replace cruelty with decency as much as we can

The Department of Agriculture’s light-touch tradition when it comes to racing is graphically illustrated by RTÉ Investigates revelations

‘We are morally obliged by dint of our power over animals to abuse that power minimally.’

Tommy Conlon

You don’t go looking in an abattoir for metaphors because there’s plenty enough to see in there already, if you can bear to look at all.

But an outstanding RTÉ Investigates documentary last week bade us to peer beyond our conscious circumference, off the motorway and down that deep country lane where our subconscious dwells in the sort of darkened tenement that we only visit in our haunted sleep. In our daylight time we would never dream of going there. We stay on the motorway, sealed off in our air-conned cars from the medieval sights and sounds echoing through that house of carnage.