Pet friendly hotels: It’s a dog’s life for Irish pooches this summer

Pet lovers eager to get away after lockdown are spoiled for choice with canine-friendly hotels, writes Roslyn Dee

Best in class – our woof guide to the best dog-friendly Irish hotels

Roslyn Dee

So it’s a sunny evening back in July 2000 when we check into a hotel for the night. Finding ourselves in the border region of the country for the day while working on a book project, we are simply too tired to drive back to Wicklow and decide to stay somewhere overnight and head home first thing in the morning.

In the back of our battered old Volvo estate are our two well-travelled dogs, Oscar and Finn, the Irish wheaten terrier brothers who go everywhere with us. And while it’s not ideal, we know they will be fine in the Volvo for one short night, windows discreetly down so they don’t over-heat.