‘​If world heritage sites tickle your brain, then Malta has them coming out of its inlets’

Often unfairly painted as sedate, our writer finds the Mediterranean island full of vim and vigour and bursting with Unesco gems


Joe Coyle

I’ve been wondering what the opposite of anticipointment might be. You see, I’m not sure what I was expecting from Malta, but I was led to believe by friends and colleagues that it was for the about-to-retire, the already retired, and those who are just tired (I won’t lie, I took the last one personally and I’m still holding a grudge). What I found, however, was an island full of vim and vigour, and ready to surprise you at every turn.

Yes, it’s true that there are sedate ways to pass a day on Malta and the surrounding islands (there are seven in total). A personal favourite was a picnic on Gozo, for example, more of which anon. And now that the filming of Game of Thrones has wrapped for good, a stroll through the innards of the ancient city of Mdina (aka The Silent City) is about as relaxing a time as you’re likely to have anywhere in the world.